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Author Topic: unarmed rambo ;)  (Read 2759 times)


  • Fear the Fire
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unarmed rambo ;)
« on: April 22, 2011, 04:44:03 pm »

First of all i want all to exuse me for mistakes, because i'm not from england =)
I want to make a unarmed char, and i have some small questions :
-does the one-handed trait work when you wear a mega power fist?
-are there any chances to pVp with unarmed build?
- is this build is ok? (i want to use a power fist instead of special unarmed attacks, so my str is just 1, using nuka-cola jet and psycho)

str     1
pe     6
end    8
ch     1
int     6
agi     9
lk       10
OPTIONAL TRAITS: Small Frame, One-handed
PERKS: (3)Toughness (6) More Critical (9) Better Critical
(12) Life Giver (15)Life Giver (18) Bonus HtH attack [-1 ap to hth attacks]
(21) more critical

Lux aeterna
Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 05:34:26 pm »

-does the one-handed trait work when you wear a mega power fist?
-are there any chances to pVp with unarmed build?
- is this build is ok? (i want to use a power fist instead of special unarmed attacks, so my str is just 1, using nuka-cola jet and psycho)
1) Yes, you'll get +20% bonus with knuckles and powerfists if you have one hander trait.
2) I think if you'll have the same playstyle but will use bursting weapon instead of unarmed you'll have more chances.
3) Actually for me this build is ideally made, may be only you can get 2nd toughness instead of 2nd more critical, but.. its just constant over random, may be those additional 5% will matter sometime, while 2nd toughness gives to you "additional HP" everytime someone is bursting you, the only problem that EW ignores toughness, but you may use tesla armor, the only problem is carry weight for it, if you'll use buffout in addition to psycho+jet you'll get 2 ST, but AG will be 9, but I don't think you need much carry weight, so you may use tesla even with 1 ST+small frame.


  • Fear the Fire
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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2011, 05:40:00 pm »

thx for attention.
Is there any topic on this forum where i can ask smth, or i have always to create a new one? Stupid question, i know, but i'm new in this game, so ... =)
Lux aeterna
Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2011, 05:40:28 pm »



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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2011, 09:03:38 pm »

i think your build is a fail. I dont want to advice you any made build, because its your character, but 9 agility gives same ap 8, so you only lose action point. Also i think its better to take 5 int, 8 agility and 10 endurance. And then take perk action boy instead of lifegiver. Endurance reduces your chance to get knocked down, for unarmed it is important since you need to run to your target. And yes unarmed is usless in pvp, except you can have some chances in 1v1 combat.
Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2011, 09:09:39 pm »

i think your build is a fail. I dont want to advice you any made build, because its your character, but 9 agility gives same ap 8, so you only lose action point. Also i think its better to take 5 int, 8 agility and 10 endurance. And then take perk action boy instead of lifegiver. Endurance reduces your chance to get knocked down, for unarmed it is important since you need to run to your target. And yes unarmed is usless in pvp, except you can have some chances in 1v1 combat.

Read about his drugs, 9 AG is ok.
About IN... I forgot that he's unarmed and don't need BRoF, so yeah, IN isn't neccessary to be 6.


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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2011, 09:20:19 pm »

u need str 5 or u wont get haymaker ability thats a 15% crit chance penalty

5 int is enough since its a pvp build and u only need 150% unarmed  put rest on doc and fa for fast comeback

6 end is enough with 2 thougness perks

8 ag is the way to go

scrap one ghander.. only good for bursters and throwers.. and pick finesse... u wont make great damage but i doesnt matter.. they will spend most of their time on the ground completly defensless

Aku Soku Zan
Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2011, 09:25:37 pm »

Read his 1st post damn it, he's going to use
Mega Power Fist !

It requires 1 ST, ignores haymakers and other unarmed stuff, one hander works on it.
Also I bet his Endurance attribute isn't specially for Toughness, but for thingy that gives you to live a bit more (Hit Points) and to resists different critical stuff and instakills, if you're not sniper with a bunch of friends on teamspeak, you better to have 10 EN regardless of your playstyle, because evil people tend to shoot in your direction and hit.
8 AG? He's not buffout eater, so it'll be 7 or 9, of couse better 9, because 10 AP > 9 AP on 1.


  • Fear the Fire
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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2011, 09:40:12 pm »

people says that it's very bad idea to play hth   :( they say that if i want to make smth ninja-like i have to do a thrower, it's much more effective  :( So i'm trying to find a good build for it now
Lux aeterna


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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2011, 09:43:11 pm »

people says that it's very bad idea to play hth   :( they say that if i want to make smth ninja-like i have to do a thrower, it's much more effective  :( So i'm trying to find a good build for it now
Best sneaker build this era is a Sneaking LSW build....

270-300% Sneak
As much as you can put into BG that is left....

Skilled trait and (???)
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


  • Fear the Fire
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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2011, 09:48:39 pm »

 ;) i have never seen a ninja with LSW  ::)
Lux aeterna


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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2011, 09:52:28 pm »

;) i have never seen a ninja with LSW  ::)
Becus they are ninja.  ::)
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


  • Fear the Fire
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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2011, 10:04:45 pm »

it's sad, but i'm unable to make such a char, i don't know how i'll get all those resourses , which lvluping requires. When i lvleuped my HtH char, i have never seem somebody selling a ammo for BG or BG itselfes
Lux aeterna


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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2011, 10:08:30 pm »

Read his 1st post damn it, he's going to use
Mega Power Fist !

It requires 1 ST, ignores haymakers and other unarmed stuff, one hander works on it.
Also I bet his Endurance attribute isn't specially for Toughness, but for thingy that gives you to live a bit more (Hit Points) and to resists different critical stuff and instakills, if you're not sniper with a bunch of friends on teamspeak, you better to have 10 EN regardless of your playstyle, because evil people tend to shoot in your direction and hit.
8 AG? He's not buffout eater, so it'll be 7 or 9, of couse better 9, because 10 AP > 9 AP on 1.


he intends to do a pvp build.. and this is no such thing

ence my sugestion

he will die.. this is not for discussion.. and let me add: ALOT

if he does plan on using somekind of weapon i sugest melee.. unarmed is completly weak without haymaker

hth builds are broken becouse of the lack of slayer perk so he needs to compensate that and not getting haymaker isnt the right way
Aku Soku Zan


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Re: unarmed rambo ;)
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2011, 10:10:07 pm »

it's sad, but i'm unable to make such a char, i don't know how i'll get all those resourses , which lvluping requires. When i lvleuped my HtH char, i have never seem somebody selling a ammo for BG or BG itselfes

forget megafist and fo for haymaker

all u will ever need is a decent armor and ur ready to fight
Aku Soku Zan
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