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Author Topic: Changes to the Sniper Rifle  (Read 2106 times)

Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« on: April 22, 2011, 07:56:33 am »

I was thinking that it might be interesting to change our Sniper Rifle to use 7.62, instead of .223.
The description of the weapon says it was changed to use the more common .223, but it's possible to get 7.62, which is not so different from the commercial .308 it was supposed to originally be chambered in, so logically it makes some sense.

From a gameplay perspective, I was thinking that making it dependent on a form of ammo that is probably going to be more rare for some time, (considering the proposed changes to crafting good things, etc) would further cement the idea that some weapons are rare things, and not so easily acquired. So beyond potentially being harder to craft, the gun would also use ammunition that wasn't readily acquired or produced.

It would also make the gun different, naturally, what with 7.62 being very middle of the road in terms of penetration and damage. For me though, the big thing would be distinguishing the Sniper Rifle as being something that was logistically, and to an extent, mechanically different from  a mere Hunting Rifle. (For that matter, I might also suggest that the Hunting Rifle be given access to some form of hollow point bullets. the lack of this seems strange to me. Even the humble 10mm pistol and pipe rifle have two forms of bullet, but the Hunting Rifle doesn't. Having a similar dynamic would be nice, and actually let you pop Molerats with the one round, but not anything with armor, and punch holes in low tier armor with the other, but still fail to do a lot of pure damage potentially.)



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Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 09:26:24 pm »

sniper rifle needs to have 1 bullet clip with lower ap reload.. also known as action bolt
Aku Soku Zan
Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2011, 02:17:44 am »

sniper rifle needs to have 1 bullet clip with lower ap reload.. also known as action bolt

sounds interesting, but there is no benefit? only nerf


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Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2011, 05:55:24 am »

sounds interesting, but there is no benefit? only nerf

well weapons in general need new balancing

so its hard to make sugestion to a single weapon

they must implement a rock/paper/scisor mechanics so that theres always a counter for that particulary weapon
Aku Soku Zan


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Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2011, 10:32:52 am »

From a gameplay perspective, I was thinking that making it dependent on a form of ammo that is probably going to be more rare for some time, (considering the proposed changes to crafting good things, etc) would further cement the idea that some weapons are rare things, and not so easily acquired. So beyond potentially being harder to craft, the gun would also use ammunition that wasn't readily acquired or produced.

I like what you are saying but the sniper build purists will frown upon it and cry. Also in my experience a .223 will always outperform the 7.62 (talking about accuracy/shot placement IRL) even though they were generally made for different roles and uses. Like how people try and dispute of which being better, AK47/M16. Both were made under different military doctrines.

Also if you could permit me to add something onto your idea, maybe, a skilled crafter could alter the sniper rifles's chamber/barrel/etc. to load either 7.62 or .223.
Also asking your personal opinion but how would slug rounds work for shotguns in FO? Seeing as normal rounds already give decent AC mod (assuming this expresses lead buckshot?).


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Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2011, 11:05:13 am »

I like the idea of it (also the idea of Yoss, upgrading the gun by crafters to allow different chamberings, I'm not gun nut enough to see if it makes sense or not though ;P ) but I believe it would cripple the "sniper" classes alot I think..


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Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2011, 11:54:41 am »

the chamber switch ideea means to implement a new gun
but i sugest to make more shotgun ammo tipe, like in real life


only implementing grenade ammo it will overpower shotguns(imagine pancor burst with this baby)
Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2011, 04:04:05 am »

the chamber switch ideea means to implement a new gun
but i sugest to make more shotgun ammo tipe, like in real life


only implementing grenade ammo it will overpower shotguns(imagine pancor burst with this baby)
maybe more ammo trips like Shotgun slugs to them the normally 12 gauge
Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2011, 11:10:55 am »

maybe more ammo trips like Shotgun slugs to them the normally 12 gauge

Anyone remember the old Flechette Ammo from multiplayer Fallout Tactics?


That stuff was EVIL against both armoured and unarmoured targets (I remember in the old FOT:RPG days we banned the ammunition on certain maps)


"They say people dont believe in heroes anymore... Well, I'm going to give them back their hero."
Re: Changes to the Sniper Rifle
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2011, 09:05:29 am »

I like what you are saying but the sniper build purists will frown upon it and cry. Also in my experience a .223 will always outperform the 7.62 (talking about accuracy/shot placement IRL) even though they were generally made for different roles and uses. Like how people try and dispute of which being better, AK47/M16. Both were made under different military doctrines.

Also if you could permit me to add something onto your idea, maybe, a skilled crafter could alter the sniper rifles's chamber/barrel/etc. to load either 7.62 or .223.
Also asking your personal opinion but how would slug rounds work for shotguns in FO? Seeing as normal rounds already give decent AC mod (assuming this expresses lead buckshot?).

.223 is handy, but 7.62 is smashy. And yeah, they are different. The game reflects that. .223 ammo is more accurate, and penetrates better. 7.62 does more damage, but doesn't quite penetrate. I still think that at very least, .223 ought to be more interesting by having different kinds of rounds, just the hollow point would be a fine addition. And about the accuracy, top tier snipers in FOnline don't really need that :) They hit everything in the EYESSS already.

I was actually going to suggest the chamberin' idea, but I guess I let someone else take the flack maybe?
And slugs, well I think you could dick around with shotguns, and make normal shot scatter somewhat, or just miss beyond a certain range, increase the range of shotguns, but make it so slugs can actually hit things at rifle ranges, as opposed to scattering . That seems complicated though. I think a good compromise would be just to say that Slugs blithely ignore armor in general. The things are big. a real one can blast through a car door, or seriously injure big game with dense flesh and big bones. In Fallout terms, that means your lousy armor made out of scap metal won't help.  In fact, a lot of armor just wouldn't help if something that bulky slapped you in the chest. I don't imagine it would have a damage mod.

I can imagine that it would be appropriate to make it something that was really easier to get if you had some crafter making them out of metal parts or scrap for you, but relatively hard to just find. It would certainly give poorer players something to smack stuff with good armor with, but it wouldn't really make them that dangerous to stronger players, because shotguns don't have good range, and some newb with a Shotgun is not the same animal as some guy with a pancor. now, the higher tier guns, they might actually be a little nasty if you could pop somebody with half a dozen slugs. But then, those guns always did suck versus armor.
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