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Author Topic: Making Armour Class Useful  (Read 5702 times)

Making Armour Class Useful
« on: December 27, 2009, 07:36:42 pm »

Armour class seems a pretty uninmportant stat at the moment - I'd also suggest you reverse the way it works in order to make combat more interesting.

As you probably know, the higher your armor class the harder you are to hit. At the moment armour class is increased by wearing armour. The heavier the armour the better the AC.

I suggest armour class is instead highest when you are unarmoured, and is decreased by wearing heavier armour. Maybe AC starts at 50, maybe higher maybe lower. It would have to be tested.

Leather jackets will only reduce your AC by 5. They barely restrict mobility.

Leather armour reduces your AC by 15.

Metal armour reduces your AC by 30, and so on.

That way heavier armour has setbacks - wearing combat armour will make you a lot easier to hit, but it obviously provides better protection.
Re: Making Armour Class Useful
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2009, 08:02:49 pm »

that wont change anything compared to the way it is now

except a bunch of rats chewing through the durability of your combat armor in several seconds because every of their attacks is a guaranteed hit, which is retarded

think of AC not only as dodging attacks but also deflecting hits with the material of the armor
Re: Making Armour Class Useful
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2009, 09:23:17 pm »

Why would rats be able to damage armour so quickly? Only armour piercing shots should really damage anything higher than metal armour.


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Re: Making Armour Class Useful
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2009, 09:28:10 pm »

After reversing it you want make it more "important" but you will just make blue suits harder targets and every high lvl has 95% in eyes. Even if you would do that you should improve armor durability and their damage resistances to not nerf them so much.
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Re: Making Armour Class Useful
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2009, 09:54:29 pm »

I think to successfully make the transition from single player to multiplayer, the combat is going to have to be redesigned from the ground up. To keep the game interesting, more gear needs to be viable. That way you encourage more varied and interesting styles of play, rather than the hunt for the best loot. If combat armour is the best armour for everything in every situation, we get very repetitive pvp. Everyone wears it regardless of their character build because it is DA BEST ARMOR.


The AC suggestion was just a way of trying to address that.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 09:56:57 pm by Badger »


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Re: Making Armour Class Useful
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2009, 12:05:41 am »

And what's about increase the AC with the sneak skill when sneak is actived?
A guy with 8 AC, a combat leather jacket and 200 in sneak skill which is reduced at 180 with weight penalities (Not real, just example).
He get 8(agility) + 18(armor) + 18 (sneak/10 why not) = 44
If someone want to hit in his head at 30-40 hex, it will be more difficult even with 200 in a weapon skill.
With a mk2 and perk dodger he will get 8+25+18+5 = 56
If he want hit in eye he have a 60+56=116 penality and more with the distance so 200 in a weapon skill is not enough for a 95% shot

Or maybe the skill sneak will be handed up to date. (Currently that skill is not used much)
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Re: Making Armour Class Useful
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2009, 04:36:22 am »

I do agree to an extent with this idea, I think the damage resistances should go way up but the ability to dodge should go down, makes perfect sense to me.
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