Other > Fan Art
Cola's FOnline SDK map [Standby]
--- Quote from: Haterade on April 20, 2011, 06:47:14 pm ---http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=15623.0
--- End quote ---
I am honored, thank you very much for your lovely feedback.
Remember that the map is still in an early stage and needs ALOT of editing.
But I will do my best to make it as good as possible. I will listen to all critics and
do something good with it and also, feedback gives me power.
okay, no problem ;) well, i think the floor in house is too.. err... too simple, maybe add carpet texture/tile a bit there so it wont be that "dull" or however its wroted.
and imho workbench could be in that main house, and meatbench in that lil garage where is workbench, and that Well should be at meatbench's place, lol dunno why, but i think itll look better that way. hmm.... nothing more at the moment, i though think your work is real nice
I would like to purchase this, please :(
Why is there tar/asphalt inside the building in the west (the small shack). Also, by looking at it, northeast buildings style doesn't fit to the wasteland desert, they only occur in urban enviroments, especially if you want to make it hidden in the mountains like you said. Take some other wall style instead. The "Vault of the future" ad inside the building is split in half and makes no sense to have it inside a building. ;)
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