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Author Topic: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.  (Read 5124 times)

Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2010, 03:34:35 am »

This is not WoW.

We don't need any "soulbound" system. In Fallout I expect to be able to trade used goods without it telling me "they are glued to your soul" or some crap.

heh dude do u read my post or stop at word soulbound? All i was say is how add things like PA,Gaus and other powerfull toys without risk of overflow wasteland with it  think about it in these categories. When u cant trade things like PA then u will not see all people runing in it SO there will no guys PA+gaus rifle cos only crafters 3lvls can make it and use it that was my idea. Ofc all around in PA IS possible in that way only if all  will be armorers 3lvl

btw1 not only WoW use idea of soulbound other mmo have it too somtime use other name
btw2 there is no shame in take good ideas from other games (at least to moment when they sue u)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 04:16:05 am by naskiel32 »
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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2010, 04:52:30 am »

so call it cybernetic link or somthing  :P  name is not important rly all is important how its work.that would make possible make get back that high tech things and dont owerflow wasteland in that way also more important will be choising of your profession it will make big difrence from now as u will have rly big reward from it in stuff some other player cant obain if they choice other proffesion. As for example of things like this in SF world can be some movie ive  seen i dont remmember name, there was thing with bionic chip so only owner can use his weapon so why dont make quest for lets say BoS or Enclave they have all kind or freaky shit on they disposal of course u can make it a part of  geting new craft lvl u must find one. Possibility how explain existing implants, cyberlink, whatewer u call it can be many on other hand PA, gaus pistols/rifle is complicated stuff so normal man cant make it in normal garage from junk and metal parts

or add just add 1 perk per craft speciality with special thing that will be goten with max craft lvl and used by these High lvl things (and then will be possibility that other people with 3 (or 4 if devs make it )lvl use it too  but only from that speciality profession will can use stuff u make) 

As i said  rly please stop lookin at this like a some "omg another WoW like idea" and think in cantigory of having real HIGH tech shit in game  and dont screw more wasteland with flow of high tech items
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 09:12:13 am by naskiel32 »
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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2010, 09:24:44 am »

so call it cybernetic link or somthing  :P
It doesn't matter what the fuck you call it - it's still the 'soulbound' system from WoW. And FOnline doesn't need it. As I've said before, I expect to be able to sell my second-hand goods in the wasteland without it telling me it's... what the fuck is a cybernetic link anyway?
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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2010, 09:46:44 am »

what the fuck is a cybernetic link anyway?

in simple it can be translate as conection brain-machine in this case from armor directly to brain its can make posible some sort of more complicated action beter movement coordination,targeting etc
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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2010, 03:24:03 pm »

I'd say it's instead linked to your pipboy.

But I don't support it, either way.


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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2010, 03:51:39 pm »

Hey guys, stop arguing whats what's fallout thing and what's WoW thing. This is discussion should be about solutions and ideas. We won't get anywhere if we will just talk about shitty things like little kids.

Well, I like the idea about destroying the Power Armor to the material when you get kill with it. It sounds logically.

My idea:

Power Armor Requeriments :

- Armor Crafter lvl 3

- BoS or Enclave quest which should give you some mark (dog tag,that will be necessary to have when creating) / This way you will know how to make this kind of armor.

- Repairable only in the BoS or Enclave base by NPC for the money

- Some requirements like higher strenght or agility (possibly perk solution)

- When you get killed, the armor will be destroyed to the material / Not enable to steal the armor / Armors should be non tradeable or tradeable only in the shop in BoS or Enclave base

- Large amount of material for crafting / Big timeout

Rare weapons requirements :

- Small Guns / Big guns / Energy guns crafter lvl 3

- BoS or Enclave quest  to learn how to craft and use it ( Maybe share the idea like in the movie District 9 that only it's owner willl be able to fire from it)

- Repairable only in the BoS or Enclave base by NPC for the money

- Some requirements like higher strenght or agility (possibly perk solution)

- When you get killed,the weapon will explode

- Large amount of material for crafting / Big timeout

That should maybe work,what do you think?
Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2010, 04:03:57 pm »

And that what i like Badger and Kyle at least people with open minds and constuctive ( yea pipboy thingy is more simple and nice )  thoughts  ;D as for your ideas Kyle in some way are "not so diffrent" from mine as u can read in mine posts so i cant say i dont like it  :P
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 04:18:11 pm by naskiel32 »
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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2010, 04:38:56 pm »

Just put them in the game and whatever  ;D

More seriously, I agree with a hard and long quest given by BoS or Enclave, but not with the idea to make items being destroyed after its owner get killed. Not realistic and not fair toward other items. Also, if I manage to kill a dude wearing a Power Armor, I want to be able to pick it !
Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2010, 05:04:07 pm »

I love people calling others "open minded" only cause they agree with each other.

PA or high-end guns? Sure why not. Just make them not possible for everyone and make players put a lot effort in... (Really? Soulbonding? REALLY?!) LEARNING HOW TO USE IT.

Its not WoW'like soultion, since it makes sense and still it can keep the game balance fairly.

You want to get Power Armour? Sure. Why not. You just need to join BoS/Enclave, do some really hard (and easy to screw) quests, build your character for right requirements, wait some time (IRL) while the armour is made for you and pay shitloads of caps. After all of that you will learn how to manipulate Power Armour - how to move it and keep your balance etc. Also, if you screw ANY of quests, do ANYTHING wrong, kill by accident ANY friendly (for the faction) patrol, you are screwed, since BoS/Enclave needs 100% trustable people.

Obviusly you wont be able to buy another PA if your reputation in BoS/Enclave lowers or you leave them. You also wont be able to buy another PA if the one you had before was not destroyed.

When youre killed, your mates can pick up your PA... Sure... Or wait... Thay CANT. Since you managed to get killed in PA, its pretty obvious that theres no PA left - only some junk that used to be one before. Your pals can bring it to BoS/Enclave to get some money for usefull parts but its not much, really. Also if you gonna give your Power Armour to someone else, he wont be able to use it cause of lack of skill. He can still be protected by the thick armor, but he wont be able to use it correctly. It means - max Agi = 3 or so, max Perception = 4 etc.

Do the same with high-tech guns. You cant shoot with it if you dont know how. Your friend will give you one? Make sure you wont loose your fingers or head by using it in wrong way. With gun you cannot use, your skill (f.e. energy weapons) will radically drop - as well as luck and agi. (Or you will just need more AP to shoot with it). You can still TRY to use it, but hell... - youre risking your life.

So - no we have only a little group that can use Power Armors, they are not power built cause they needed to spend some points on right requirements (like science etc), they devoted a lot while making their char happen and they cant really loose their raputation. Why would someone do that if its easier to get CA and be a junkie?

Yay - In order to create truly elite soldier. Not powerbuild - elite.

To make it even harder to be abused by gangs helping their fiends alt to make those quests etc, just make some quest which would teleport a char making it somewhere, so he cant get any help. (He must go alone and noone knows where he is).

If someone will finally make a char that can use PA / some sort of really good gun / whatsoever, it means, he deserved it. And he still needs to be cautious, cause loosing it will cost him a lot.

Now what we need for such a solution:

A lot of quests - hard and well written, some script changes, new perks (like PA using - same way as Gecko Skinning in F2). Nothing serius, but it would take a lot of time since devs dont really have time for issues like that right now. Fair enough if you ask me. Its a good way to introduce high tech, but it doesnt mean we have to have it now, just cause some people cant wait any longer.

E: Power Armour deteriration should take really long but it shouldnt be "working" after its taken off from a dead guys. As i wrote - you should be able o get some pars out of it (with enough science for example) and bring it to Bos/enclave/some unique vendors to sell those parts.


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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2010, 05:32:12 pm »

Very inspiring vision TommyTheGun.

However, if the PA was so goddamn hard to get, It'd better be goddamn worth it too.
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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2010, 06:13:13 pm »

Without reading previous ideas, I'll add mine:

The high-end gear should be only obtainable from where it might come from. Like buying a suit of Power Armor for a few million caps from a corrupt BoS/Enclave member.
Crafting a super-hi-tech armor in your garage? No, thanks. Home-made CA and standard guns are over the top already.


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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #26 on: February 04, 2010, 06:27:58 pm »

Without reading previous ideas, I'll add mine:

The high-end gear should be only obtainable from where it might come from. Like buying a suit of Power Armor for a few million caps from a corrupt BoS/Enclave member.
Crafting a super-hi-tech armor in your garage? No, thanks. Home-made CA and standard guns are over the top already.

Indeed, you will never be able to craft PA and the like

(Even stuff on the level of CA will probably not be craftable "In your garage" for too much longer either)
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Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2010, 06:31:27 pm »

Tommy... it looks really nice.
Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2010, 06:39:07 pm »

Very inspiring vision TommyTheGun.

However, if the PA was so goddamn hard to get, It'd better be goddamn worth it too.

Yes - thats why it should have really high deterioration "resistance" - so if you play wisely and wont get killed, you can be pretty happy with your PA :). Keep in mind that the whole "getting PA" would be hell lot of fun too. (As i wrote before - IF the quests etc would be written well).

+ Power Armour users hunting would be funny as well - To obtain expensive (but way cheaper than the whole PA ofcourse) parts to sell...
Re: Solution for forbidden weapons and power armors.
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2010, 12:12:27 am »

I love people calling others "open minded" only cause they agree with each other.

its not about "begin agree with each other" was about  but produtive conversation without "no becouse f@#k no  f@#k" shit  8) and contra ideas  that is good cos it is needed here. Not some random agressive shitin around  ;) peace
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