Most of us knows what we can get in Gunrunners' "quest". Some % of small gun skill and 10mm pistol with 2 magazines as far as I remember. Also, when registering the default skill in Small Guns is 25% while Big Guns and Energy Weapons is only 10%. Yes, we can explain this "Oh, come on, random wastelander should have more knowledge in light weapons which are more common". Yes we can, but to make the starting chances hmm ...equal I suggest to modify this quest in Gunrunners' Fortress. For me, it should look like that:
Wastelander tells the guard what kind of weapons she/he using. (Big Guns, Small Guns, Energy Weapons)
If skill is under 50%, character gains additional 15% of weapon skill and basic weapon with 2 magazines (Flamer, 10mm Pistol or Laser Pistol)
OK, what about melee, throwing and HtH skills?
It will be difficult to reach there, but you remember the guy in Klamath who taught the art of boxing to the Chosen One? Such person could be in south, I don't know in Boneyard for example. And same as for firearms, if skill is under 50%, character recieves 15% bonus HtH, throwing or Melee and basic weapons (Knuckles for HtH, Throwing Knife for Throwing and Combat Knife for Melee)