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have you been killed by wwp for no reason?

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Author Topic: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?  (Read 33131 times)


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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #60 on: April 09, 2011, 08:16:12 am »

Last time I went to Redding I was called an enemy scout and shot.

No, wait... that was my last but one visit... the last time I visited, WWP was too busy killing their own militia to even notice me.

But sure, I have faith in their project... NOT.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 08:27:49 am by Stration »


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #61 on: April 09, 2011, 08:46:45 am »

apk = pk in disguise proven science   :P
wwp just say u are really pk no one will judge u we all know u are just say it in a big group all at once we are pkers we kill for fun and not to protect we are just little bitches who think its better to say we are apk.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #62 on: April 09, 2011, 10:31:17 am »

What comes to reports about "I got killed for no reason" cases here at forums, they will be simply ignored. The reason could be anything ranging from lies to misunderstanding the town rules. If the victim wants reasoning to his threatment, he better contact us in private.

According to your roleplay from what i understand, everyone is welcome as long as they don't cause trouble within the town.  Crimes commited outside the town are outside redding juristiction.  Not that it matters any, because your roleplay is false, and you are just a pk gang like any other.

Wrong. We have a ruleset for troubblemaker gang members who haven't caused troubble in Redding. If such player wants to enter, he has four choices:

1. The guy leaves his previous gang
2. His gang makes a truce with wwp and refunds all (an astronomical ammount of) material losses they have caused to us.
3. He doesn't enter the town.
4. If there's very good reasoning why he should be allowed in, it can be discussed.

Reasoning behind this is that the player might very likely use our goodwill to gather information about our most active guards and public ongoings. Another reason is to show that players can't just do whatever they want. Their actions and choices have consequences.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #63 on: April 09, 2011, 10:47:37 am »

We are raider faction, we kill people for their things and to laugh at their dead bodies.  That is our roleplay, that is our play, and it will not change because we are content with this, and we do a good job at it don't we?  :)

You are acting like you make a project to bring "peace" to Redding and you have "laws" and do not just kill others for lulz and loots.
Yet this is exactly what you do to almost everyone.  It is just...  sad.  And there is no excuse, since you have the protection of militia, so even if guy came in with BA/avenger 253 HP or a bluesuit with a shovel, you should greet with a text saying "hi" rather than a barrage of rockets and bullets.

According to your roleplay from what i understand, everyone is welcome as long as they don't cause trouble within the town.  Crimes commited outside the town are outside redding juristiction.  Not that it matters any, because your roleplay is false, and you are just a pk gang like any other.

I pretty much agree to this.

Funny thing , for example DoW comes to redding not because we want to kill bluesuits or to purposely break law , we come to redding only because there is a good fight always awaiting us :) So it means bluesuits get killed only because Wee Wee Pee draws attention to the town. I mean yesterday i realized there are more people mining in gecko mine than in redding , despite the fact the great WWP is protecting redding.

Who wants to mine in a city that everyday turns into a warzone ? ;D Man your a joke
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 10:50:58 am by Vaimortal »


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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #64 on: April 09, 2011, 12:31:20 pm »

We are raider faction, we kill people for their things and to laugh at their dead bodies.

The easy way of life,  don't need to create something, no mistake, like we say's in my country ( Retire la poutre que tu as dans l'œil avant de vouloir retirer la brindille dans le mien... ^^ )

and we do a good job at it don't we?

Honestly ? No... ^^

You are acting like you make a project to bring "peace" to Redding and you have "laws" and do not just kill others for lulz and loots.

Yes, thats it, and lots of people tell you the same... Only few peoples ( whining pro ) takes the opposite view... And lots of them are PK's, and it's really humoristic to see PK's whining about death in wasteland...

Yet this is exactly what you do to almost everyone.  It is just...  sad.

It's just your point of view... But they're lots of peoples happy with this project. ^^

And there is no excuse, since you have the protection of militia

I don't need any milicia... I'm in Redding like a mercenary, and help for fun or killing " THE OUTLAWS "... And they're lot's of players like me in Redding.

you should greet with a text saying "hi" rather than a barrage of rockets and bullets.

When we says " HI " we don't shoot anyone... But I remember guys ( I forgot team name, he start with " Cho ", damn... Today a dead team always trolling and whining on TC because they dont accept to lose... You know them ? ) that killing on sight all players spawning in BH for example...

According to your roleplay from what i understand, everyone is welcome as long as they don't cause trouble within the town.

But you're chosen, and for you it's not the same laws, because you do TC and you can be considerate like a scout, you know that no ? Don't tell me that you don't know that guy... Take a new char with unknow name for example. ^^

Not that it matters any, because your roleplay is false, and you are just a pk gang like any other.

Reese for example, one of the most hated guy in the wasteland after you, are going in Redding and have lots of time to talk, and from what i see nobody shoot him... ^^

So, in conclusion this post don't have any usefulness, it's just a whining post... And I just see rage...

DOW you are welcome in Redding, and in TC too, because when we sell you 45 BA is not for decorating your base. ^^
" Low stuff on my 'cause I was tired of loosing BA " Caled

" Stay calm tomorow will be better you'll see ! " dskpnk


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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #65 on: April 09, 2011, 07:45:05 pm »

The easy way of life,  don't need to create something, no mistake, like we say's in my country ( Retire la poutre que tu as dans l'œil avant de vouloir retirer la brindille dans le mien... ^^ )
Because it is who we are, its what we do, we don't hide behind some bs.
Honestly ? No... ^^
You just confirmed it with the obvious hate hidden behind sarcasm in your post :P
Yes, thats it, and lots of people tell you the same... Only few peoples ( whining pro ) takes the opposite view... And lots of them are PK's, and it's really humoristic to see PK's whining about death in wasteland...
Even Gatling confirms you are just pks lying about being anti-pk.  He must be uber whine pro as well.  The only people not "whining" as far as I have seen are people are are in your gang or allied.  ;)
It's just your point of view... But they're lots of peoples happy with this project. ^^
 Of course alot of people are happy, you people that is.  All those alliances with as many people you can spare the time not shooting...  must be a hundred and one.   ;D
I don't need any milicia... I'm in Redding like a mercenary, and help for fun or killing " THE OUTLAWS "... And they're lot's of players like me in Redding.
 Aye, that bluesuit guy looks like he's gonna pwn us all with that spear.
When we says " HI " we don't shoot anyone... But I remember guys ( I forgot team name, he start with " Cho ", damn... Today a dead team always trolling and whining on TC because they dont accept to lose... You know them ? ) that killing on sight all players spawning in BH for example...
Wait for Domination  ;).
But you're chosen, and for you it's not the same laws, because you do TC and you can be considerate like a scout, you know that no ? Don't tell me that you don't know that guy... Take a new char with unknow name for example. ^^
I had every intention to respect the laws while inside redding, and besides that,  I'm scouting all the same if I'm on this "unknown" character, plus, you would just shoot him anyways.
Reese for example, one of the most hated guy in the wasteland after you, are going in Redding and have lots of time to talk, and from what i see nobody shoot him... ^^
I know, I was there while he was there, the few moments I wasn't dead in redding.  I was having normal time that i was enjoying, then suddenly Slaz comes up and bursts me with lsw, while i was bluesuit and had commited no "Crime" within redding.  besides the fact that it was on the day of election where i was supposed to be allowed to spectate no matter who I am, brings up even more suspicion no?  ;)  besides, most people were trying to tell Slaz to not kill me because I had done nothing.

So, in conclusion this post don't have any usefulness, it's just a whining post... And I just see rage...
Lol, rage for dying in bluesuit?  No hoho...  There is no rage, onlyspeaking the truth.  I always hated liars, they're a parasite to everything everywhere.  And you and your ilk are those very parasites that i wish to save others from being victimized by :).
DOW you are welcome in Redding, and in TC too, because when we sell you 45 BA is not for decorating your base. ^^
 Really need More meat for your swarm eh?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 07:48:44 pm by Michaelh139 »
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #66 on: April 09, 2011, 11:34:43 pm »

Can we add [TrollTopic] at the tittle of this topic ?
[My signature was too big, like Jescri's dick]


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2011, 12:16:03 am »

Can we add [TrollTopic] at the tittle of this topic ?
you must be wwp if u dont like the truth dont read as easy as that. >:(
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #68 on: April 10, 2011, 02:14:56 am »

The interesting thing is that most of you, who try to sell your truth here are persons who, due to criminal records are considered as enemies of town Redding. ;)
But I don't understand one thing. You always wanted to be evil evil persons, and now, when we treating you as persons you've always wanted to be, you start to whine.

Last time I went to Redding I was called an enemy scout and shot.

No, wait... that was my last but one visit... the last time I visited, WWP was too busy killing their own militia to even notice me.

But sure, I have faith in their project... NOT.

If you came during Town Control, such situations are normal.
Killing own militia... what would you do if you have spear and knife militia? Simple, replace it!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 02:18:13 am by headshot »
Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #69 on: April 10, 2011, 11:08:28 am »

you must be wwp if u dont like the truth dont read as easy as that. >:(

Troll is on both sides.

Anyway, if you are a member of an outlaw gang, you still can refer to avv conditions. (and maybe wait for another conditions, with new governement)

1. The guy leaves his previous gang
2. His gang makes a truce with wwp and refunds all (an astronomical ammount of) material losses they have caused to us.
3. He doesn't enter the town.
4. If there's very good reasoning why he should be allowed in, it can be discussed.

In all cases, trolling won't lead anyone to peace.
Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #70 on: April 10, 2011, 11:45:43 am »

Peacekeepers for redding yeah.

WWP interacting in reno ?
Their not even defending anything they were the first to attack us in reno. How is that not PK ?

Stop fooling yourself yourself that WWP is APK , peacekeepers or whatever it always ends up the same PK's !
Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #71 on: April 10, 2011, 11:55:28 am »

Peacekeepers for redding yeah.

WWP interacting in reno ?
Their not even defending anything they were the first to attack us in reno. How is that not PK ?

Stop fooling yourself yourself that WWP is APK , peacekeepers or whatever it always ends up the same PK's !

But you must admit, when they kicked you in Reno, it was APK behaviour, because youre PK right ? Tell me, why you are not banned yet ?

BTW. It wasnt only WWPs which were in Reno. Hawks and VSBs were there too, in count some 25+ people on some 4-6 PKs. What it is if not APK behavior ?  8)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 12:07:19 pm by Hololasima »
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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #72 on: April 10, 2011, 11:58:07 am »

When wwp members go to reno/tc, it's their personal activity and has nothing to do with what we do in Redding.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #73 on: April 10, 2011, 12:19:41 pm »

jup its confirmed wwp are badass pkers.


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Re: have you been killed by wwp for no reason?
« Reply #74 on: April 10, 2011, 01:13:33 pm »

If you came during Town Control, such situations are normal.

Nope, it wasn't during TC.

Killing own militia... what would you do if you have spear and knife militia? Simple, replace it!

That's the exact opposite of RP, isn't it? Just admit you're a bunch of poor trolls.

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