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Author Topic: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.  (Read 9885 times)

Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« on: February 01, 2010, 05:57:22 pm »

Some npc vendors have way to long inventory lists.  Often you see like 79 10mm pistols in all states of durabilty, some with loaded bullets.
Putting a maximum limit of itemtypes on the vendor would result in new players no longer being able to make cheap guns and barter them for starter caps. 
A "personal" itemtype sale limit with cooldown is probably hard to make and still those vendors would be flooded with the same low level items. 
Therefore it would be nice if the devs could find a way to program the vendors in such a way that they  ; auto unload guns, repair and stack them.


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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 06:16:31 pm »

Items being held at traders for long time (depending on their type, max 3 real time days), get turned into caps. Will get turned into other (more usefull) stuff later, to help traders one more time.
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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 10:28:10 pm »

A nice system.
But still with that, the inventories are very long ; especially for non-barter chars who need to find a certain item in that list within a few seconds of time.
Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2010, 10:32:43 pm »

This is a very good point.I have a barter character fortunately,but for most people it must be a nightmare to shop in certain places.Try reducing the time it takes to change items to caps to two day.If that doesnt work then make items last only one full day before changing.
Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2010, 02:16:54 am »

I'm all for this. It makes sense that similar items should stack like throwing knifes do. Some folks might want to buy worn cheap items though, but I'll bet most would favor a cleaner interface instead :)
Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2010, 10:29:54 pm »

that would really be a good update and im all looking forward to it.
i dont think its any good that you have "only" 49 secs to barter, with like 200 or more items on an npc which consists of no more than 15-20 types of items.
also, it would be easier to find ammo, even if higher prize from players, u wouldnt have to stand and shout all around the place for a long, wasted time until u can buy from somebody.


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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2010, 06:48:00 pm »

Yeah, the idea is not bad, but it has some potential ways to abuse it. How? It's simple - one could sell his/her almost fully deteriorated weapon (for some caps), and then... voila! It's magically repaired by merchant, and you can buy it back, fully repaired... It would somewhat more ruin in-game economics in my opinion.
I think stacking (and unloading of ammo) weapons of the same class and deterioration level would solve problem just fine. No need for repairing it.
Besides, if merchants could repair weapons/armors, what sense would be to use of Repair skill (other than dismantling weapons/armors, some gathering needs and gaining access to some professions)?

If you want more time to barter, invest some points in appropriate skill - it's simple solution, and available to anyone. You don't want to give points in Barter? Then you have to live with that. And with short barter timer - it's your choice.
Simple as that...
Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2010, 06:52:48 pm »

Yeah, the idea is not bad, but it has some potential ways to abuse it. How? It's simple - one could sell his/her almost fully deteriorated weapon (for some caps), and then... voila! It's magically repaired by merchant, and you can buy it back, fully repaired...
Buy back for much higher price.. don't see problem in this, actually it can make merchants earn some more money and the player would pay quite high price for this kind of repair.
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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2010, 07:52:51 am »

i dont think its any good that you have "only" 49 secs to barter

1.) Find a stacked item.
2.) Drag it but don't specify the amount. Just leave the little window open.
3.) Timer runs out.
4.) ????
5.) Close little window and browse list with no time limit.

You can't buy anything that way, but you can browse the whole list and at least get to know what's there to buy.
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2010, 09:03:27 am »

Indeed, I think there is a serious problem with merchants:

Yesterday we travelled to check ALL merchants of the map. It took us around 1 hour and a half.

At the end the report is tragic:
=> the only goods we manage to get back home was 15 ropes, 2 metal parts, a sniper rifle and we were looking for almost every useful stuff (raw materials for crafting, armours, pvp weapons, ammo...)

And indeed, many merchants have enormous lists of rippers essentially...

Perhaps something has to be done... again (I say again because I know developpers have tried a lot of systems to fix the economy)
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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2010, 11:54:03 am »

they should turn items into caps faster, its too slow, I see like around 20 shotguns 20 10mm pistols and many other useless stuff in large number, please update them to turn stuff into caps faster
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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2010, 01:26:56 pm »

maybe add a script that the vendor can't have more than 5 pieces of an item at a time, the rest gets capsed.
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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2010, 02:16:18 pm »

Or maybe just destroy the items :p
No one profits >:D
<Izual> Let's crash server


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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2010, 02:17:58 pm »

donät be such a beelzebub, bub.
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Re: Make vendors unload, repair and stack guns.
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2010, 05:58:25 pm »

we were looking for almost every useful stuff (raw materials for crafting, armours, pvp weapons, ammo...)
It won't help about armors and ammo, but try to buy some shitty weapons and give them to char with high Science skill. My char, with 80% Science, can get 1 metal part and/or 1 junk from Desert Eagle. Not much, but at least something.
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