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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Wasteland is NOT harsh.  (Read 6485 times)

Alec Ramsey

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Re: Wasteland is NOT harsh.
« Reply #60 on: April 02, 2011, 09:40:21 pm »

         i didnt mean to give off the impression that i play to mess with people, i dont do that at all.  no, i only meant to say that the concept of survival of the fittest is what helps define the post apoc genre, imho. like, say, fist of the north star, or mad max, or cyborg, waterworld, those stories and others like it usually have a force that does not care about finding water and medicine, as opposed to taking it and raping everything everything they see.  so in my head, so i dont completely flip out when it happens, the trolls and griefers almost have their place  in the concept of fallout online.   i hate em too, but they will always be there.

    believe you me, if there was a player group of dedicated rangers that were helping build shangri la in fonline through collecting resources and lots of support from the community, id fall right in line to help make the "bad guy" trollers the minority.   but i dont see that happening in fonline, or any other game, or IRL for that matter. (but then i dont know shit so im probably wrong on many levels)    as it stands, iits a rad concept; im  outgunned and scared of leaving my tent.  so i hooked up with a gang.  hah, awesome.   trust actually matters in this game.   of course im pretty new to mmo games, like i said i know squat.


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Re: Wasteland is NOT harsh.
« Reply #61 on: April 02, 2011, 11:28:01 pm »

believe you me, if there was a player group of dedicated rangers that were helping build shangri la in fonline through collecting resources and lots of support from the community, id fall right in line to help make the "bad guy" trollers the minority.   but i dont see that happening in fonline, or any other game, or IRL for that matter. (but then i dont know shit so im probably wrong on many levels)    as it stands, iits a rad concept; im  outgunned and scared of leaving my tent.  so i hooked up with a gang.  hah, awesome.   trust actually matters in this game.   of course im pretty new to mmo games, like i said i know squat.

Antipk factions try to do that. They go to places where pks are reported to be and shoot everyone they recognize or suspect being an enemy.

In addition wwp tries to uphold peaceful state in Redding.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.

Alec Ramsey

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Re: Wasteland is NOT harsh.
« Reply #62 on: April 04, 2011, 01:27:04 am »

thats awesome
Re: Wasteland is NOT harsh.
« Reply #63 on: April 04, 2011, 04:04:17 am »

Yes the realism of the Post Apoch is survival of the fittest.  But this is also a G A M E.  A simple thing to add to the realism, is for places to keep better track of the good people and the bad.  (gray area and all)  Basically those who pray on others, steal, kill in the wasteland get some karma/rep reduction with the 'good' towns.  Mainly NCR, Hub, Ady, since we know that VC is as twisted as they come  ;).  And these shouldn't be Temp, especially for offenses that happen IN towns.  The fricking 3 second memory of guards is just wrong.  And one kill then all is forgiven, and we know you do it again??!!? Yeah that's realism HA.  Wasteland is har-assment.
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Alec Ramsey

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Re: Wasteland is NOT harsh.
« Reply #64 on: April 04, 2011, 06:10:45 am »

excellent point, sir.     i would like to see a better memory from the guards, youre right.
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