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Author Topic: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?  (Read 2439 times)

Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« on: March 28, 2011, 05:42:50 pm »

Topic name says it all.

I'm sure every merc/slave leader hates the fact that you can hand a minion a P90c and they only do single shots with it and get killed.

Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 06:16:15 pm »

Controlling them like a normal player at least in TB would be boss


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Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2011, 06:48:07 pm »

give em minigun, im sure they wont do single shots
Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 07:17:58 pm »

Topic name says it all.

I'm sure every merc/slave leader hates the fact that you can hand a minion a P90c and they only do single shots with it and get killed.


So that your saying mercs are underpowered ? Here we go again you just made this topic 10 pages long.

5 or even 3 good positioned mercs with burst , well i think that is not survivable only if out of range but well thats rare or if your with 3 guys yourself.

Controlling them like a normal player at least in TB would be boss

I can see the wasteland full of leader merc TB traps. Think with your head.
Leader mercs have alot of power now , and you want to make it more powerful.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 07:19:36 pm by Vaimortal »
Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2011, 08:14:08 pm »

So that your saying mercs are underpowered ? Here we go again you just made this topic 10 pages long.

5 or even 3 good positioned mercs with burst , well i think that is not survivable only if out of range but well thats rare or if your with 3 guys yourself.

I can see the wasteland full of leader merc TB traps. Think with your head.
Leader mercs have alot of power now , and you want to make it more powerful.

"Boo-oo i dont have a slaver, might as well delete it"

People like you whining about mercs and slaves seem to forget that we have to provide them ammo, guns (they break and det), they're much more fragile than players so they die easly (in TB when players see they're gonna die they sometimes just try to take some mercs with them), they're always targeted on safetowns, they're dumb as fuck (they'll shoot and hit their leader), they constantly get stuck. When the slaver / leader dies in an unguarded town he can't just go to tent / base grab supplies and go fight like combat chars, and they can't have slave / merc stocked on base/tent either

YOU should think with your head
Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2011, 08:33:27 pm »

"Boo-oo i dont have a slaver, might as well delete it"

People like you whining about mercs and slaves seem to forget that we have to provide them ammo, guns (they break and det), they're much more fragile than players so they die easly (in TB when players see they're gonna die they sometimes just try to take some mercs with them), they're always targeted on safetowns, they're dumb as fuck (they'll shoot and hit their leader), they constantly get stuck. When the slaver / leader dies in an unguarded town he can't just go to tent / base grab supplies and go fight like combat chars, and they can't have slave / merc stocked on base/tent either

YOU should think with your head

What in the hell ? What the fuck ?

I was not talking about the "maitnance" , so you say they are harder to maintain they should be even more powerful ? Well then big guns would have to be the most powerful weapons in the game , cuz their harder to get and maintain and eat up more bullets AND cost more money , your logic is just unbelievable  ?

RL's , AR , 223. pistols and 10mm smg's are sure hard to get these days , really nobody has money to equip mercs and its so hard to farm most weapons that are good for mercs ! Jesus christ are you serious whining about the few extra weapons that adds tons of firepower ?

Come on 5 fucking autoshooting bots ? They don't get confused or distracted they act instantly its a good thing you know.
So they are not perfect as an AI but the even better the so called crappy AI bugs mostly can be avoided if your not stupid enough.

Think with your head !


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Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2011, 09:39:49 pm »

Developer said that one day, a feature will be probably implemented that makes it so followers can be instructed to only shoot single shots. (

Probably will work the other way around too, if this is ever implemented.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2011, 10:40:27 pm »

to have a merc even close to viable for pvp, you must pay over 300k caps (Big gun mercs), supply with appropriate squad weaponry and ammo, keep them under control (Dont let them get split apart or poof they're gone and you know it), and as said we can't "just restock and get back to fight", we fight, if we lose we're screwed for the next half hour. 

Yes, A merc team can pretty much kill ANY player that is alone, but this isn't a loner game, if you're player loner you still have the choice to make merc character or anti-mercenary Big guns build. (Generally a tank) or FUCKING RUN!(most recommended).

HOWEVER, I don't like this idea because it'll make mercs overpowered and extremely cheap.  (Buys 5 sg mercs, gives assault rifle, sets to burst, = insta kill with very little risk).
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2011, 11:39:31 pm »

Just remove NPCs from PvP :(
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"This is your forum."


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Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2011, 11:56:06 pm »

So that your saying mercs are underpowered ? Here we go again you just made this topic 10 pages long.

totally right, now ALL NEED TO SHUT THE F***K UP!!!!!!

this is again:
dude1: mercs are too powerful
dude2: NO because they have bad IA
dude1: but they have to much power now!!!!!
dude2: yes i know that, but i never change my opinion!!!!
dude1: mercs are really powerful and they freezes your game!!!
dude2: mercs need a lot of money to be mainteaned, and you lose money if they die!!! not like any human
dude3: 8/9*46+54584-4548+/46/=8)  that means youre wrong, math never fail, even in this surrealistic and pointless game!!!
dude2: im still thinking im good and you all are wrong!!!
dude1: i think my opinion is the best and youre wrong mother*****!!!

etc.etc.etc, useless talking never changes
please some mod close this

(in mi opinion burst should be implemented, and mercs need to be totally reworked, or get eliminated)
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
Re: Will we see a "Burst only" mode for followers?
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2011, 02:22:32 am »

Damn, the flame is getting a bit much.

And, merc leaders/slavers aren't that OP. they're powerful, but unless set to auto attack. aren't even close to as strong.

But, to the original question.

I just wanted to know if we'd ever be able to give a merc an SMG and have him use it rather than get himself killed. since it's a waste of money if the merc cant even use SG's. and just sits there like a newbie with a mauser.

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