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Author Topic: Daytime/Nighttime Combat  (Read 2362 times)


  • Hangovers are the wrath of grapes
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Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« on: March 24, 2011, 08:21:35 pm »

Simple enough suggestion, would it be possible to change the visibility and range of players during a night encounter? This is going to sound out there, but as a counter you could have some sort of infrared technology or something to make you able to see better and shoot more accurately. Probably not a good idea, but I'm in interested as to what the community thinks.


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 08:44:16 pm »

I think it's already planned.

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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 08:56:34 pm »

coz hes a troll, alrdy banned and now hes trolin again with new account:/
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg


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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 08:58:11 pm »

Whoa whoa whoa what the fuck is all this about.  I googled Fallout Online 2238 and came out with this avatar. Fuck off you. Also, do we know if they plan to change accuracy as well as range and visibility?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 09:01:40 pm by Marrxman »


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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2011, 09:03:33 pm »

Stuff like this lies in the engine and is out of our hands.


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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2011, 09:54:58 pm »

FN FAL night sight anyone?  ;D
But again, this limits poor players - Cool PKs go out at night with FN FAL Night sight (finally some use of this weapon) and Night Person perk and shoots the blue suit shooting molerats there. However, like this we could make monsters that have greater senses in the dark, making it something like this:
NewPlayer1: Well, I'm off to VC, you wanna come with me?
NewPlayer2: I wouldn't do that, the nights are dangerous, I'm staying right here. The farthest point I'm going is my tent.
NewPlayer1: Seriously, it's nothing that bad! Besides, I have good outdoorsman.
*4 people in Metal Armor with blood all over them limp in NCR*
NewPlayer1 and NewPlayer2: Woah, what happend to you guys?
Metal Armor guy1: Those night deathclaws! We were seven at the start and were on our way from Hub to NCR, but then it started to get late...
Metal Armor guy2: One of our men was just taking a small stop, while we were slowly moving on...
Metal Armor guy3: After about 20 seconds we heard screams and some shots! We all ran back to see if the guy who stood a bit back was OK, but there was just blood, some empty shell casings and a metal armor teared in pieces...
Metal Armor guy4: We were 6 left, 3 of us were searching for a path, other 3 were covering the back. We met the night deathclaws - even more silent, even more agile and even more powerful than a simple deathclaw. The only good thing is they pop-up in nights. Now, if you don't mind, doc pl0x?
NewPlayer1 to NewPlayer2: You know, I changed my mind, I'm staying here too!

That would be a whole new level to roleplaying and other stuff! People at nights just come to the nearest safe spot and talk about what they felt, what they've seen and where they've been! In overall, not a bad idea, just misses something...
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 10:27:37 pm »

I was going to suggest the night sight but I thought it would be met with "OMG NUBZ GO BACK TO MW2"

Scientifically speaking, Molerats should have above average visibility and ability in the dark, seeing as both Moles and Rats are attuned to darkness. You could probably do this with other creatures too, to an extent. If they were going to change the visibility, I would want a serious nerf, not "Oh look we cant see a few more hexes" but a severely reduced range more akin to the range on a shotgun.


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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2011, 10:37:55 pm »

you should be able to counter the darkness with flares.  And flares alone.  And they would have a timer so you should take several on your way, else you spawn in an encounter at night, it doesnt say what's in it, and run toward one of the grids with a chance to run right into whatever you encountered.  Only day time would be safe to travel.

Sounds fucking badass.
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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2011, 10:59:33 pm »

Stuff like this lies in the engine and is out of our hands.
sorry for my misunderstand, but someone told me youre using the original engine!!!!!
i make some questions, some time ago about the engine and the rights of Interplay, and i was thinking you guys were jobing without engine, but then some guy told me that you have the engine, and i was thinking that

there is some posibility of get the engine from Interplay?
it will work with fonline?
because is too sad to develop a great NEW game and have a limited acces to the game itself
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2011, 11:05:04 pm »

sorry for my misunderstand, but someone told me youre using the original engine!!!!!
i make some questions, some time ago about the engine and the rights of Interplay, and i was thinking you guys were jobing without engine, but then some guy told me that you have the engine, and i was thinking that

there is some posibility of get the engine from Interplay?
it will work with fonline?
because is too sad to develop a great NEW game and have a limited acces to the game itself
NO, they use an engine built from scratch.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2011, 08:08:55 am »

I was going to suggest the night sight but I thought it would be met with "OMG NUBZ GO BACK TO MW2"

Scientifically speaking, Molerats should have above average visibility and ability in the dark, seeing as both Moles and Rats are attuned to darkness. You could probably do this with other creatures too, to an extent. If they were going to change the visibility, I would want a serious nerf, not "Oh look we cant see a few more hexes" but a severely reduced range more akin to the range on a shotgun.

i have to say i really like fn fal (in real life), it is really powerful, in single, since its a combat rifle (not an assault rifle as in the game), and it can be used as support rifle (which is actually impossible to do while standing) look in this game the uses are inverted the ak is a combat rifle (good for long range and singles) and the fn fal a assault rifle (good for bursts, at short range). they should improve the fn fal cause its totally uselesss. But you know the guys who developed fallout (the original at least, no idea about the rotators) didnt know too much about weapons. but if we think about realism it should be really different  and unbalanced, so i dont asking for making a real fn fal, or giving the shotgun a real range. Night would be a nighmare for bg's, not so much for snipers (ew and sg)


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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2011, 01:41:55 pm »

sorry for my misunderstand, but someone told me youre using the original engine!!!!!
i make some questions, some time ago about the engine and the rights of Interplay, and i was thinking you guys were jobing without engine, but then some guy told me that you have the engine, and i was thinking that

there is some posibility of get the engine from Interplay?
it will work with fonline?
because is too sad to develop a great NEW game and have a limited acces to the game itself

He's just saying that cvet controls the engine, not the 2238 team.

Oh, and for nighttime, you could just make the screen darker.  Be hard to see those dudes in leather jackets in the distance when you can barely see in front of you.  No adjusted stats, just a dark ass screen.


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2011, 03:56:59 pm »

Oh, and for nighttime, you could just make the screen darker.  Be hard to see those dudes in leather jackets in the distance when you can barely see in front of you.  No adjusted stats, just a dark ass screen.

Screen is already darker at night, but like you can set your own light level... And well, it would work in a FPS, but it's a kinda weird idea in the current engine. Adjust FoV/ToHit is enough.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !


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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2011, 11:48:03 pm »

I'd love to see it a little improved, you could've check Diablo 2 how to do quite nice effects with both visibility lines and darkness.
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  • Humanhunter
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Re: Daytime/Nighttime Combat
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2011, 05:10:27 am »

He's just saying that cvet controls the engine, not the 2238 team.
Oh, and for nighttime, you could just make the screen darker.  Be hard to see those dudes in leather jackets in the distance when you can barely see in front of you.  No adjusted stats, just a dark ass screen.

then we push Menu and Brigtness=100 in our monitors... like in any other dark anf feared game like Condemned or Fear.
about the engine my friend told me this word by word: "los pinches devs del 2238 tienen el engine del fo2 y funciona mas o menos en el fonline" traduced: those devs of 2238 have the fo2 engine and it works fine in the game" he was wrong of course
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
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