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Author Topic: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build  (Read 2491 times)


  • Hangovers are the wrath of grapes
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One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« on: March 24, 2011, 09:12:04 pm »

I just want some feedback on my current build and what he's going to be like.

Traits: One Hander, Kamikaze

Perks(Planned): Awareness, More crit, better crit, life giver, life giver, better rate of fire, more crit

S 4

P 6

E 4

C 3

I 6

A 8

L 9

Currently level 7 with Sg at 145%, FA at 50%, and Outdoorsman at 88%

Sueggestions, comment, feedback?
Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 09:26:38 pm »

You can exchange last More Critical for Weapon handling.
make ST -3 and add +1 to LK.
You'll see no difference for the eyes, because x1 MC almost the same as 1 LK for it.
But you'll have on 2 more SPECIAL.

Also take Small Framce trait instead of Kamikaze, you'll get +1 to SPECIAL.
If you don't like low carry weight (I never was sorry for Small Frame and I like this trait) take Good Natured trait instead of Kamikaze, it'll give you more SP, it's almost like if you had more IN, so... better.

I see 3 CH and outdoorsman, so you're not going to kill people. But still you may save alot point by taking WH instead of MC and 1 ST instead of 4, but.. if you'll also make 1 CH you'll save even more SPECIAL.

So, you can add 3+2+1=6 more SPECIAL points to your build, if you'll make 1 CH and 1 ST, take small frame trait. 6 more SPECIAL isn't that small...


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Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 09:34:40 pm »

I took small frame on my last build, along with finesse, and I was sorry I took those traits. I wanted to try something new, and this character has not made me sad yet. I would never, ever take good natured unless you're a doctor, kill one JT scout or Ranger and its automatically null and void. I constantly have - Karma for dumb reasons. Like if my party members have JT hostile and so I have to shoot back.

I don't think having low charisma would benefit me, seeng as I am a solo character. with 1 CHR some NPCs wont even talk to you, let alone trade. 1 STR is too extreme for me, I would barely be able to carry armor and a gun. Im considering taking points out of END and maybe 1 out of STR and put them in Luck and PE

WH definitely sounds like a good idea though.
Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 09:47:45 pm »

The only bad side of 1 ST is you can't loot corpses of NPCs/unlucky wastelanders/friends. Also you can't loot metal armors in NCR.
You may forget about metal armors at all. Still I can use BA+plasma/laser and carry MFCs, it's not a problem, 18 carry weight is more than enough, you can even stand in NCR and when someone will try to plant dynamite into you, he wouldn't do that because of your overweight, this is one of the funniest momments to observe.

There's also an alternative, if you really want to talk to merchants, is to get 7 IN instead of 6 and 1 CH, get FA and doc to Doc3 prof and craft mentats, mentats will give you +2 CH for 30 minutes, you may simply eat them and live on them and become mentatoniac. It'll save you a SPECIAL point, because you'll spend +1 on IN instead of +2 on CH, but it's only if you're going to increase FA+Doc.
Also... you still can have 6 IN, but you'll need to take... Night Person trait, and get Doc3 prof at night +mentats, so you'll meet IN requirements.
Also don't forget that you can buy nukacola for 100 caps at JT, it's +1 to AG for 30 minutes, it means, if you're not going to use buffout, which lowers AG by 1, you need to take 7 or 9 AG, so with nuka it'll be 8/10.
Good Natured not only for doctors, it's for characters, who aren't going to use more than 1 combat skill, as I see, you're not hybrid of some strange combat styles, you're just SG-user, so Good Natured will give you more SP than take.
Also 1 ST will allow you to use Jet without it's bad side except for lowering DR. Because 1 ST -2 ST = 1 ST anyway. You may get 12 AP, if you'll have 9 AG +nukacola and on Jet. So you'll be able to shoot twice in the eyes from .223 pistol.


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Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2011, 09:10:34 am »

1str is way too extreme. If you play a fighter, hunting encounters and selling to shops will be your main method of getting items and you need cw for that. Surely you could have a mule npc with you, but still the low cw is just going to be pain in the ass in every occasion.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2011, 11:51:37 am »

Not in every occasion... When only purpose of the character is to kill enemy at any cost you don't care about carry weight, you just eguipe yourself the best gun you can operate with and drug yourself. For hunting encouters and trading there is no point in using pure PvP character.
Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2011, 12:20:59 pm »

1str is way too extreme. If you play a fighter, hunting encounters and selling to shops will be your main method of getting items and you need cw for that. Surely you could have a mule npc with you, but still the low cw is just going to be pain in the ass in every occasion.

It's much more important to kill the enemy than carry his loot.

If I go PK sometimes i carry a buffout with me , in case i get good loot but can't carry it , i eat buffout and i can take the loot.
Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2011, 12:34:04 pm »

Well actually.... you can't. Jet takes 2 ST points off while buffout gives you 2 ST points. See? With ST 1 you can't carry anything unless you wait 30 minutes or take psycho, which gives you I don't know exactly, let's say 5 pounds of carry weight  ;D


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Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2011, 01:11:25 pm »

My point of view to the game is solo build, so playing solo with str1 would be unbearably burdensome. Of course you can have str1 if you support your gameplay with alts.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2011, 01:21:48 pm »

I only have one other alt, who is a crafter. Having 0 CW is just too much if you ever want to rape and pillage.
Re: One Handed SG Sniper-ish build
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2011, 01:32:49 pm »

This game is not suited for having only one char I think.
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