Other > Suggestions

Rework the molotovs

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--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on February 01, 2010, 01:42:10 pm ---while for a molotov you gotta take your lighter or whatever and light the cloth up, so actually molotovs should take more APs.

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its not really hard job to make self-flammable molotovs, which blow out after impact  ;)

Quentin Lang:

--- Quote from: Haterade on August 15, 2010, 02:03:32 am ---if AP to throw decreases... then grenadiers have chance with jet to throw 16 molotovs... i mean if AP costs 3. lol

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You can already throw grenades for 2AP each. If i get it right, you could throw molotovs for 1 AP lol

And since, afaik, the AP is going to be increased for grenade-type weapons, so if it is made so that whatever the post-update AP-usage of a Grenade is, subtract 1 AP from that for a Molotov, and it will be a good combo since it does little damage, but little AP to use it; it will be more than 1 AP after updates anyway.


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