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What do you think of the possibility to raise you own dogs, to use or sell them ?

Great idea !
- 8 (30.8%)
Good idea but need to be discussed.
- 6 (23.1%)
I don't see the point.
- 8 (30.8%)
Should'nt be implemented.
- 0 (0%)
That's fallout heretic !
- 4 (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

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Author Topic: Raise dogs  (Read 5899 times)


  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2011, 06:13:36 am »

Indeed, i Support This Idea, and that bases should be upgradeable.
 also Solar, i believe i have my new favorate quite hehe

Doctor Eex

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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2011, 06:23:41 am »

When I have read this:
The pregnancy of the dog lasting 2 months
I was a bit confused...
Why don;t go further, and have a source of slaves  ;D. You can spam kids with nades.
Or even better.
Breed molerats! I want to have also combat molerats...

Kinda sick idea anyway. I definitely vote yes if developers want to implement SUCH suggestions...  ;D


  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2011, 06:46:37 am »

When I have read this:I was a bit confused...
Why don;t go further, and have a source of slaves  ;D. You can spam kids with nades.
Or even better.
Breed molerats! I want to have also combat molerats...

Kinda sick idea anyway. I definitely vote yes if developers want to implement SUCH suggestions...  ;D

well i'm gona assume the kids thing is just a joke... (even though i would love to start a family, It just wouldent make sense with the type of timeline this game has)
Though with animals, their mutated alot more then (Normal) Humans, there could be a posibilty Pregnency is quicker then Normal, so maybe a bit lower then 2 ingame months? I don't know. also course why stop at only Dogs? I'd love to start a farm in a Base, give thoes empty Pens something to hold other then caught brahmin. The Ghost Farm Underground have a Molerat farm. maybe buy some stock from them? and course more then just thoes types of animals would be awesome to have as pets, and to breed. of course, Deathclaws and Insect type critters are out of the question. as Insects like the ants are hive minds. and The enclave had to put a headset device sorta thing on the deathclaws to control them.

Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2011, 07:58:43 am »

i see few changes in dogs done, so try dogs from scavengers, yesterday i see dog with 5 hp ( i m mad, but i swear, dog have 5 hp)
so scout dog cost now about 1k caps and fight dog same price.
didnt try dogs from other places.
trained dog hit leather arm mk 2 for 5 hp.
scout dog - for 1 hp.
with few scout dogs i come back from scavengers to ncr with any encounter, before i have dogs i cant avoid about 2 encounters at 200% succes (from 300)

i think each merc/dog need personal battle system like followers in fo2, but i think it suggested and never happens.


Let the Force be with You.
Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2011, 05:12:47 pm »

i see few changes in dogs done, so try dogs from scavengers, yesterday i see dog with 5 hp ( i m mad, but i swear, dog have 5 hp)
so scout dog cost now about 1k caps and fight dog same price.
didnt try dogs from other places.
trained dog hit leather arm mk 2 for 5 hp.
scout dog - for 1 hp.
with few scout dogs i come back from scavengers to ncr with any encounter, before i have dogs i cant avoid about 2 encounters at 200% succes (from 300)

i think each merc/dog need personal battle system like followers in fo2, but i think it suggested and never happens.
Don't be impatient, things like that take time to get done.
Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2011, 09:49:43 pm »

I hardly see why wastelanders would like to raise rats or stuff like that, but brahmine and dogs should definitively breed !

I mean theses are domestic animals.

And honestly i don't see why it should be only available in bases; a lone wastelander shouldn't have some dogs or cows at tent ?
Why that ? Ok brahmine are stupids and would surely get lost in the wastes as soon as their master leave a few hours, but dog are smarts, loyals, territorials and LOVE to gard houses !

Everybody is not involved in gang or stuff like that, and when we see utility of the NPC factions, it makes want to do it's own business.

Roleplay guys !!!

EDIT : The pregnancy of dogs REALLY last 2 months, but off course big ones grows adults in at least one year, really too long for the game. And after all, scientist already made some genetically modified fishes that grows 2X faster, who knows what massive radiations and FEV would do to living creatures ?

Oh and for combat molerats, yep great idea ! A good way to make Redding ring resurrect !
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 09:58:48 pm by Belkarr »


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  • Dishonest Abe
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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2011, 10:00:24 pm »

who knows what massive radiations and FEV would do to living creatures ?
Give them cancer and make them die.  ;) But yeah, I agree... people worry too much about real-life comparisons.

As for this suggestion, it's okay. Anything to let dogs not be 14 HP weaklings. If this suggestion ever becomes available, there should also be the option for dogs to be available to be caught in the wasteland, as was suggested in another thread.

I like the idea of the person who said they could detect bombs (once dynamite and other such explosives actually have a non-griefing use), and detect sneakers.

Also, dogs could give a Pathfinder boost when you have one in your party.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 10:03:24 pm by Dishonest Abe »
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2011, 10:10:04 pm »

there should also be the option for dogs to be available to be caught in the wasteland, as was suggested in another thread.

Very good idea !

And yep, cancer and death for most of creatures, but anyway some of them would manage to breed before death, and in middle-long term there should be some brand new radiation-resistant genes ... as well as a few others ones ^^

"Life always find its path"
(Jurassic park ; )

EDIT : And it top of it, 9/10 of being livings being wiped out, the few survivors would tend to mutate more even without radiations, with the "help" of a bit of inbreeding. The phenomen have been proved for human specie, so I think it's working for every kind of living thing.
So with radiations, it would obviously make giant scorpions and fast-growing dogs. At the tent ;)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 10:39:08 pm by Belkarr »
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