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What do you think of the possibility to raise you own dogs, to use or sell them ?

Great idea !
- 8 (30.8%)
Good idea but need to be discussed.
- 6 (23.1%)
I don't see the point.
- 8 (30.8%)
Should'nt be implemented.
- 0 (0%)
That's fallout heretic !
- 4 (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

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Author Topic: Raise dogs  (Read 5900 times)

Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2011, 04:48:18 am »

Maybe if you had to supply them water bags or jerky to produce offspring and there was a limit to how many there were at your tent at one time, otherwise you'd just be getting free tent guard dogs.

I'd say make the player feed them once per 24hrs or they run away but that would be verging on evil addicting mmorpg territory.
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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2011, 07:11:24 pm »

Well I have thinked of that already.

Indeed, if all the dogs can reproduce together, after the first 2d6 puppies growned full adults the risk is that you can have hundreds of dogs after few generations, wich is ridiculous.

One logical way to prevent that : inbreeding. The dogs of the same litter (?) well from the same mother cannot reproduce with each other. And to add another limit, if some player just want to raise armies of dogs buying external ones to continue the births, is to limit the number of them in the tent location to 12, the maximal reproducing limit. One litter at a time.

For the upkeeping of the pregnant dog, feeding it every day would be too binding for travelling characters or players who simply don't play every day, so why not just implemant the fact that the dog need food, 1 or 2 meat per day, but can get it directly in the storage locker or left on the floor ?

it's pretty realistical, I mean a "normal" dog left at the tent can go hunt his food normally, but a pregnant one before birthing can barely move and need to be feed, and not too binding, the player just have to be a bit providing.  
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 07:47:21 pm by Belkarr »
Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2011, 07:18:16 pm »

And to end up with the "sims attacks", i want to say one final word : all the FOnline gameplay tend to transform npc actions into players actions, to make a "real living world" out of what was a solo-game. Crafting, farming, slavery, merchants, factions, and soon caravans are becoming player's business.  The dogs just don't fall from the sky, and aren't items.
Or shit we could craft them.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 07:22:16 pm by Belkarr »


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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2011, 07:32:17 pm »

I like the idea, but I don't see any way it'd be more than just a real waste of time.
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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2011, 07:38:33 pm »

Well, first it could be another way to make money -selling dogs to other wastelanders, they really can help the beginners with their outdoors skills- and secondly it would make a "fresh dog reserve" for the players who use them. The dogs can be useful but are pretty expensive (exponential prices, the first is affodable, the second is expensive, forget for the third) and die REALLY often.

And it would'nt be a real waste of time cause it's some kind of passive action, you just have buy and let 2 dogs at your tent, checking that they don't run out of food, and after some times the nature has done his part of the job.

EDIT :Would make the iguana-stick sellers finally usefull, and give another utility to meat/meat jerky other than designing drugs too.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 08:08:16 pm by Belkarr »


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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2011, 07:55:10 pm »

As I said, I like the idea. But point is, there's still not any reason why anyone would bother designing it, implementing it and using it. That's bad.

First, there needs to be good reason to own a dog.
Second, breeding dogs should be accesible enough to be worth the effort.
Third, breeding dogs should yield some advantage over just buying them (this contradicts 2, but you've already given something)
Fourth, breeding process needs to be exactly designed. Bringing stuff to tent is not exactly interesting, and it'd better be multiplayer action - like getting kennel in your base :).

Alas, it'd be interesting if this could be robust enough to offer kind of companions worth for all levels - like feeding with deathclaw meat would creat Dogmeat like entity.

EDIT: it should also be possible to breed Brahmin - for they are quite useful animals.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 07:57:09 pm by Johnnybravo »
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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2011, 08:06:01 pm »

"First, there needs to be good reason to own a dog."

Well, a little help in the fights, and a big help to outdoorsman, like actually in fact.

"Second, breeding dogs should be accesible enough to be worth the effort."

2 dogs + stock of meat, pretty accessible if you want to, after it's pretty much matter of time.

"Third, breeding dogs should yield some advantage over just buying them (this contradicts 2, but you've already given something)

Sell and/or use them, they are dogs man, what do you want more from them ?

"Fourth, breeding process needs to be exactly designed. Bringing stuff to tent is not exactly interesting, and it'd better be multiplayer action - like getting kennel in your base Smiley."

Well it was meant to be a "little addon" to the game, little supplement of soul, commerce and companions, not a big exciting part of it, like a new profession. What do you think by "getting kennel in your base" ?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 08:13:17 pm by Belkarr »
Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2011, 08:09:43 pm »

And for brahmins, yeah why not, seems logical for the brahmin herders that their herd can grow with the time.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 08:13:36 pm by Belkarr »


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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2011, 08:42:40 pm »

"getting kennel in your base"
Well, in your tent, it'd not really bring much to game.
However if it was available for a group of player, it could've be quite some fun. Promoting multiplayer in multiplayer games is not always bad thing :p.
2 dogs + stock of meat, pretty accessible if you want to, after it's pretty much matter of time.
You know, like making sure it's not limited just to specific locations, and as I said, I'd love to see it in player bases.
Saying that, player bases should perhaps be a lot more customizable and accessable.
Getting some cottage with little benefits, but having some meeting place for your friends shouldn't be a big deal.
Upgrading it with more useful buildings and stuff should take some effort, but could've be fun to do. Ofcourse if you make it more than just a storage.

But that's story for another topic...
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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2011, 09:11:36 pm »

A: Turning FOnline in to a Vpet game is a scarey thought..

B: If you really, and i mean really have to breed your own dogs who will just die in a rocket volley... than just making it a function of NPCs, which could be added to bases as well would work alot smoother.

C: Dogs get blown up really fast, so if this is added, it would have to be in a cheesey way that creates away to get more guard dogs quickly. which will probably not all be to your liking anyway, since combat is the main focus of this game. and that's what the dev's think about more than peaceful stuff.

D: As for my personal suggestion that's not worth it's own thread that i will put in here to make us all fall in love with it rather than the original suggestion. capping the prices for dogs at 600 caps each would be a much better option for dog spammers..



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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2011, 09:28:05 pm »

A: Turning FOnline in to a Vpet game is a scarey thought..

B: If you really, and i mean really have to breed your own dogs who will just die in a rocket volley... than just making it a function of NPCs, which could be added to bases as well would work alot smoother.

C: Dogs get blown up really fast, so if this is added, it would have to be in a cheesey way that creates away to get more guard dogs quickly. which will probably not all be to your liking anyway, since combat is the main focus of this game. and that's what the dev's think about more than peaceful stuff.

D: As for my personal suggestion that's not worth it's own thread that i will put in here to make us all fall in love with it rather than the original suggestion. capping the prices for dogs at 600 caps each would be a much better option for dog spammers..


So what, then better remove all the not-high tier stuff from game because it might get blown up in a single shot!


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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2011, 10:16:48 pm »

Guys... Just because you can raise dogs it's not the sims.
Sure fallout is harash and "cool" or whatever but still... There
are those people who wants to raise dogs and we gotta respect thier point of view.
It's pointless to comment "this aint hello kitty" or "this is not the sims"... That won't help at all.
Insteed just simply tell him that you don't like the idea. Be mature and respectful.
ALSO... stop with the "cool" talk... I mean... If you respect others and be mature... you're cool.
But insulting others and blame them for possting a SUGGESTION is not cool.
Sure... FOnline is a harash and crazy game... and we will keep it like that...
But we can still add some features that aren't harash etc...

Peace out

My current In-game name is Colan.


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Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2011, 10:29:48 pm »

Damn, i like dogs. I remember 3rd era when i bought one only to raise my image in NCR.. :)

 But i agree that dogs deserve more than their current role, maybe little raise their atributes..

 But i dont think that this is enough. In view of minimal time/work of devs, i suggest this:

 1) pvp abilities: if you have dogs in some location, dog should bark ( "vrrr" ;) ), if some sneaker is in limited radius near dog. This radius should depend on dog leader abilities (speech? more speech you have, better control you have, longer radius). In general, player would control that dog, sends him near to discover if there is someone sneaking..

 It could be same, if in location are supermutants, ... . Longer radius, different kind of barking.. You know, supermutants smell badly.

 2) other than pvp abilities: barking if there is mine planted, bomb activated, ....
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2011, 12:28:13 pm »

So what, then better remove all the not-high tier stuff from game because it might get blown up in a single shot!

There's a difference between "might" and "will" be exploded in one hit. anything under 50 HP is toast vs anything with a gun that can use it.

Trololol. <,.,<

Re: Raise dogs
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2011, 07:57:02 pm »

Well dogs are dogs, I dont know if the devs should make them bulletproofs ...

The "alert barkings"  propositions are pretty nice, and for the restricting to raise dogs only at bases, why not, that would already make more sellers appears wich would avoid all the travels to see your got shot 1/2 time before even getting back to your tent...

But please think about new players, dogs can really be usefull for them, it's a shame that they are so hard to get in a world where half of the towns and the whole desert is full of them !
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 08:00:19 pm by Belkarr »
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