**Suggestion Disclaimer**
[Warning, this suggestion has been posted to spark heated debate, and or text-based conflict depending on your point of view, about the topic of "thieving". read at your own risk, junk when ready.]
Well, guys, since everyone's been wanting something to make thieves lose stuff when they die.
First, raise the rep hit of stealing to 300 points, and the cost of killing in guarded towns to 500, not just wounding, but killing someone who's protected.
Than create an armor that uses the leather jacket or sand robe model called "Disguise", and have it act as a boost to steal, about 50 points, and lower the rep hit you get for failing at thieving, to around 50. and set the items base price to 2500 caps, and have it be sold at traders in almost every large town, like the hub, reno, NCR, but have the NPC hidden a little bit.
This idea is open to change.
*Edit* And raise the amount of exp gained from stealing from NPCs to at least 50-100 for each time they steal. currently that seems to be a bit broken.