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The great trip in the East

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-Allright, Lag.Master, i think this works now... Cough cough.
-Hello Wastelanders! as you moast unlikely know, Some of us, The LagMasters, have left in a trip in the East.
-Exactly, i am Lag_Master, former Enclave Scientist...
-...And i am Lag.Master, one of the Khans.
-All the others had left in the East because of GoodOldLag. it was a shocking discovery to know that he is actualy over 200 years old and he is like 50 years old.
-So me and Lag_Master remained to tell you what hapened, but i am busy in the Khans...
-...And i must spy over the remains of The Enclave.
-We will try to tell you what is going on, they just left.
-All of them: LagMaster, SniperLag, SneakyLag and BlindMaster.
-We are keeping contact with some of Lag_Master's invention: the Pip-boy internal comunication.
-Cya soon!

as you probably know, i am in a break of FOnline, but i will keep contact with these small stories, i hope you will like them.

-Lag.Master here, Lag_Master is just finishing some small energy cells for our car, we must guard the place till the rest is back.
-Allright, done. Did you allrea...
-Shhh... we are on air...
-Oh, scuze me. So...
-So now we are going to tell you what hapened with GoodOldLag.
-Allright. Now it started with his pip-boy showing the year 2238, but he thinked is the year 2120 or somewhere near. So that turned out strange.
-After that Lag_Master have looked over the pip-boy and noticed something not super strange.
-I found out that it was correct, but it had some strange settings: a Language sellector for some strange Languages.
-I asked some Khans about them, and found out the languages where old and more like ...Erophia.
-O yeah, tnx.
-No problem, Lag.Master. So some of the languages where: polish, french, romanian, hungarian...
-And our pip-boy models are only for english and spanish.
-So... GoodOldLag is not american, but that rises other questions: How did he get here?
-Where did he came from?
-Is he with us, the american wastelanders?
-Does... wait wait wait, i think we are telling this wastelanders some thing they do not understand, am i right, Lag_Master?
-O yeah, scuze us. Let me exp...
**Some beeping sounds**
-Oh dam! We must go now, some... Crazies found us.
-Well, that means more guardians for us, where is the rope?
-Well, we will be back as soon as we can reestablish the connection.

What is this I dont even....

*Stare blankly* Wth was that?!


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