Thanks for the tips :/
I havent done any player quests, can they some how give you xp? or just caps?
No, I mean, go talk to some random player, ask them if they need something. You know, hides, materials, roots/flowers, etc. What I am trying to say is that in this online game you shouldn't rely so much on quests given by NPCs, and start thinking about what "missions" other players can give you. There are no such things as "player quests", I was not talking about quests that appear in your Pip-Boy, but just random and different activities that other players might ask you to do or help them with.
Maybe off-topic, but if you want quick xp, grab a cheap weapon and go kill molerats near Vault 13. If you want quick gear, go to urban areas (random places in the World Map with city ruins), grab Junk, craft BB's and sell them for some gun, ammo and maybe a light armor.