Other > Suggestions

Town message board

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The idea is simple. In the cotrolable towns(Modoc, Redding, Den etc.) should stand the message board. It already does in some of them. On that board, the gang in control could write down the message for the incoming people. Stuff like that the city is lawless, or that you should get out or that it is guarded by NA and much more. The gang in cotrol could write down the radio channel, where one can contact them if troubles appears. Maybe some short trade message? The possibilities are numerous. There also could be some sort of fixed message when the town could be taken over.

It would be just a little step to make the northern cities a little bit more pleasent place to stay.

It's a good idea, but I think they will be used for spam/trolling etc. anyway..

Good idea.


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on January 30, 2010, 04:37:37 pm ---It's a good idea, but I think they will be used for spam/trolling etc. anyway..

--- End quote ---

Well, it would be up to the gang that controls the town, and I know that for example Orphans are realy working on making the Den nice place to hang out, they could realy use that feature.

Two things:
Msg writer shall be ID-able. So if he'll troll/mess/spam/whatever, it could be reported, restrictions like perm-ban of a character/IP should do the work :P

Also, only leader of faction controlling town should be able to write the msg, maybe through the faction's base computer (it can be easier to check reports/control spam etc).


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