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Author Topic: Grease gun vs tommy gun, nerf/buff.  (Read 7486 times)


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Re: Grease gun vs tommy gun, nerf/buff.
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2011, 03:07:40 am »

no problem, i love this treath....
also i know that P80 are from Europa, so, how in the hell they get to EU? and why they dont have a penetration bonus? (they was fabriqued for that)
also actually Mexicans Narcos use this weapon for get trough the flackjackets of the police guys at long distances. i see one in real life, its a strange weapon, they are called "matapolicias" traduction= "killcops"
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 03:12:05 am by Reiniat »
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Grease gun vs tommy gun, nerf/buff.
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2011, 03:26:15 am »

1:The tommy gun thing is more for flavor that realism, but it's there, not much that can be done about it, so i just suggested a change. also it's iconic enough that any surviving models would be a good prize to offer a hit man, even if just to mount on his wall.

2: The grease gun probably would survive in a army storage building, at least enough of them to arm a few groups of soldiers, also, it's cheap, and blue prints for it would be something the public would have been able to get their hands on since it's so old, it wasn't even close to new, so after-war models could exist.

3: The P90c isn't the real life P90, it looks like a police model made in 10mm for the US law enforcement groups, FBI, ATF, swat teams, etc.

4: Retooling guns for NPC usage is a bad idea, it sucked in FO3, and it would suck in FOnline, if you're going to have something drop loot, it should be loot that could kill something, otherwise it's just a waste of time, since no one will pick it up, since no one will buy is, like a 9mm Mauser for example.

5: The use does use the P90 in real life, it's also a gun that could be imported, due to good quality, and a good choice for private security, and police. same with the FN FAL. even though it wouldn't be as common.

6: There is a nigh scope version of the FN FAL, but it's not in game, so yes, scopes can be mounted to it. if that's what some of you are suggesting.



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Re: Grease gun vs tommy gun, nerf/buff.
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2011, 02:08:45 am »

one thing more the developers (the original ones) didnt think about, is that the fn fal isnt an assault rifle is a combat rifle, its developed for long range combat, and shooting the fn fal in full auto is retard (you aim a guy, and you will end shooting a plane) but the ammo is even harder than the ak47, and some sniper rifles. They should make fn fal a precision rifle with a really good stopping power. Then the ak47 (in this case assault rifle) should be harder to deteriorate, since an ak47 doesnt need to much maintencance (some people never do) . And if someone would want to add guns the mg42 and the mateba are really fucking good (mateba falloutish looking, and mg42 it has one of the fastest rate of fire, it shoots 120 bullets in 6 seconds.
Re: Grease gun vs tommy gun, nerf/buff.
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2011, 09:44:57 am »

Yeah Fn Fal should be precision rifle  with something like 46-47 range , AP for shoot lower then Sniper rifle and little lower DMG.
And night scope version .. it should be changed to assault scope version or something like then  normal version would be 44 hex range and scoped version 47 or smth like that.
And about Tommy gun and Grease gun. 12 bullet burst From M3a1 and 12 bullet burst from tommy? Tommy has twice higher rate of fire.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 09:57:50 am by 0m3n »
Re: Grease gun vs tommy gun, nerf/buff.
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2011, 06:28:08 pm »

I've known Ulrek for awhile and trust me, he knows his guns AND their histories.

I'd also like to see the tommy gun given a chance.

1. From what I've seen the tommy gun is harder to come by even in the game then a grease gun.
2. In all honesty being a 2h weapon is a drawback because it being 2h gives no bonus yet the one-hander perk gives it drawback. (Which most small gun bursters take BECAUSE the tommy gun sucks and the best small gun burst comes from the P90 (1h).
3. If you guys (to the dev team) are going to make this as unrealistic as it is, then at least make the tommy gun more common and a 1h (i said unrealistic didn't i?) so that it adds more use of it. Also an increase in damage considering I'm pretty sure if you take a tommy gun to a person it will tear them apart worse then a grease gun, I can't be for sure so ask Ulrek.
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