Dear citizens of the Waste Land!
I am a new person to the FOnline. Also this is my first post in this forum, so don't mind my unawareness.
Before I ask my question I want to inform you that I did try to use the search tool. But my low knowledge in computers made this search tool look like a rocket science. Call me dumb all you want, but I really need your help.
I got a quest from the BoS to either help out a wounded soldier or to repair the crashed hammer.
I did not get any quest locations marked on the map, but in the middle of my journey I got a random encounter near the Gas Station, where 3 soldiers and a broken vehicle were. I did not want this quest since I am a Doctor not a Fixer, but our of curiosity I talked to the driver and he told me to get some parts form the Gas Station, which I did, but after walking out of the Gas Station I got stopped by a demonic lizard that turned me in to the barbecue with it's fire breath.
Now I can not find neither vehicle nor wounded soldier, no matter how much I roam the wastes around the Military base or the Gas Station.
Please help.
I suspect it is some kind of bug that no one encountered before since you have to be a noob like me to die on such easy quest.
Thank in advance.