Other > Gang Issues
Problems with The hawks...
--- Quote from: headshot on March 02, 2011, 11:07:27 pm ---1. Gang Issues is proper place for this thread.
2. Can't you just write PM to someone from the Hawks or VSB if you have a problem with them?
--- End quote ---
1: Well edited my post since i first made it, originally it wasn't full of flame and rage and trollage, if anyone feels the need to move this, feel free.
2: I have no idea who is who on the forums, so i'm just seeing who sticks their head out to reply, so i even know who i should talk to..
I killed a guy with 500k in Reeding, and we have some rulez :
7. If someone is claiming his/her stuff back after being killed, kill him/her back.
Never talk with a dead guy. They always want something.
I dont understand ... in France deads cant speak. ???
I didn't kill a guy in NCR, he died by guards, i looted 3,5 mil caps. I gave it back to him. Never saw him before :P
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