Other > Gang Issues
Problems with The hawks...
Anti-pk doesn't mean that you don't kill, it means you don't shoot unknown people on sight and you shoot people who do it. It's actually a lot more challenging style of play, because you don't have the privilege of first shot, you can't kill random scouts and you can't use many dirty PK tactics. Being a PK doesn't make you cool and badass, just cheap. But it's good that some people play the role of wasteland losers, otherwise it would be boring.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on March 16, 2011, 09:24:07 am ---Anti-pk doesn't mean that you don't kill, it means you don't shoot unknown people on sight and you shoot people who do it. It's actually a lot more challenging style of play, because you don't have the privilege of first shot, you can't kill random scouts and you can't use many dirty PK tactics. Being a PK doesn't make you cool and badass, just cheap. But it's good that some people play the role of wasteland losers, otherwise it would be boring.
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You believe that someone CAN play in this style ? That he must get first shoot for recognize if someone is PK ? Its hard to believe for me because you know, many many many people just keep saying "Youre PK as others, VSB are not AntiPKs and bla bla"
But good to know that someone know about what we are talking
VSB are not French. ::)
--- Quote from: brad smalls on March 16, 2011, 09:06:08 am ---VSB at apker because they are french and french are in-capable of killing (eg WW2)
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Tune up troll.
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