Other > Gang Issues

Problems with The hawks...

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I am always amazed when I see VSB's or Haws daring saying they aren't PK's......

THEY ARE, but they don't assume it.

And i say: Blah blahblahblah

Its clear Zozio ?


--- Quote from: Hololasima on March 08, 2011, 01:02:58 pm ---And i say: Blah blahblahblah

Its clear Zozio ?

--- End quote ---

Sir yes Sir

It's clear!

hmmmpppfff (contained laugh)

Its funny how we are accused for being PKs only by PKs and kids.


--- Quote from: Bantz on March 08, 2011, 01:32:53 pm ---Its funny how we are accused for being PKs only by PKs and kids.

--- End quote ---

They are often both  :P

Anyway, it's because PKs are incredibely supprised when they are shooted by anti PK. They are like "OMG they're anti PK, they don't have right to shoot me!". They probably never understand that killing PK is part of anti PK.


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