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Author Topic: Alts or friends what is the difference?  (Read 3403 times)

Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2011, 06:06:30 am »

Funny how this game supports extreme and mindless killing and griefing.  Where paranoia is rampant.

Then the devs get annoyed because folks would rather do shit themselves then trust a potential griefer.

Exactly my point! Why care about alts?
Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2011, 06:35:03 am »

Who cares about alts? lots of people, but it is not hugest issue because in a game such as this, it is unavoidable.
The only issues to arise from them, is the use of more than one character at a time, and avoiding the anti-alt timeout(which is only 3-5 minutes, not the 10 which is displayed) to change between characters.


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Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2011, 07:10:20 am »

Who cares about alts? lots of people, but it is not hugest issue because in a game such as this, it is unavoidable.
The only issues to arise from them, is the use of more than one character at a time, and avoiding the anti-alt timeout(which is only 3-5 minutes, not the 10 which is displayed) to change between characters.

Hm, last "seasons" I could easily avoid them. I had/have an armorer/small guns crafter on level 2 of each. I still had decent combat skills to kill creeps. I have fun, short to say. If I want higher tier stuff, I ask other people if I can buy stuff. If I am in need of a helping hand, I ask other people to help me to compensate my rather mediocre combat skills. The thing that really kills this approach this game is people min/maxing and only want to PvP with "I win Buttons" like Powerbuilds.

The problem is people breaking down the game to a PvP simulator and to have everything possible with least of afford, like with alts doing the shit for your main character. This mentality btw arose the last 4-5 years when "pr0 pvp gaming" became more popular.

Fallout and all the people true to the setting suffer from that. 
« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 07:13:26 am by Surf »
Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2011, 07:35:58 am »

The problem is people breaking down the game to a PvP simulator and to have everything possible with least of afford, like with alts doing the shit for your main character. This mentality btw arose the last 4-5 years when "pr0 pvp gaming" became more popular

Quite right.
In this case, as time goes on,  less and less people are interested in playing FOnline, as an MMO in which you need to interact with other people to gain the items / or employ the abilities of others , and rather see it as an isometric shooter.


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Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2011, 07:46:58 am »

i whoud like to have an alt free game, but ech pearson needs at least 3 alts
2.gatherer(and/or armorer)
3.combat power build

and this are the minimum! on average you meed 3-4 of ech cathegory
Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2011, 11:28:36 am »

Its a tradeoff.  You give folks complete freedom and everything goes to shit.   As long as this game is anti-care bear and pro griefing your primary player base will be kill happy monkeys.

Biggest example, mad crafting cooldowns but no shoot in the eyes and rob their ba while camping cooldown.


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Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2011, 05:35:25 pm »

As long as you don't break anti alt timer rules !

Regarding the pro pvp championship some say this game has become, i'd like to say that town control IS a feature of the game, and to me it is the most prestigious one, the one that allows to interact with the game universe on the largest scale.

If it weren't a PvP feature, but say a 20-sided dice throw, some of us TC apes would still play it, for prestige and fun :)

Don't blame the apes, blame the features (and the griefers).

Also, for many of us, TC isn't just a name in the pipboy : come check Redding sometimes !

.e monkey noises !


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Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2011, 06:25:16 pm »

Also, for many of us, TC isn't just a name in the pipboy : come check Redding sometimes !

TC is actually a feature where your alts won't save you, in a way. For example I can't use alts to guard Redding's south entrance and mine entrance at the same time, more players are just needed. The game needs more features where player just doesn't have time to use an alt because he is occupied doing one thing so only option is to have a friend do the other thing for you.
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Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2011, 01:32:39 pm »

Funny how this game supports extreme and mindless killing and griefing.  Where paranoia is rampant.

Then the devs get annoyed because folks would rather do shit themselves then trust a potential griefer.

I myself would rather have like 3 alts , weapon , doctor , armor crafters ? Why ?
Because interacting with other players is not safe , IT IS NEVER SAFE.
The first week i played this game i always was afraid even to in NCR , because i was afraid someone will blow my head up randomly.

Other people just a liability.
Re: Alts or friends what is the difference?
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2011, 11:45:55 pm »

I mean alting as in having multiple combat characters ready to go for fast relogging or to heal or whatever.

TC is all about who brings the most and can stay in the fight the longest.  Hence its not enough to just win one battle but multiple fights.  In order to win multiple fights, players need to have standby fighters geared and ready to go in case the initial assault team/defenders fail in their objective.


1. Gang A is defending Redding.  Gang B steps in and attempts to take it.  Throughout the battle, fighters die and lose their gear.  In order to re-enforce the defenders/press the assault, fresh soldiers are brought in via alts/fast relog.  This battle of attrition continues until one side simply has no more bodies to bring to bear.

2.  Same with dual logging.  Granted it takes mighty micro-management skills but it is conceivable that folks canrun two characters at one time.

As long as TC is based on attrition warfare, fast relogs/dual logging/whatever remains a top priority in attaining victory.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 12:44:31 am by Keldorn »
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