Kill a Broken Hills caravan = 200 exp < the amount of ammo and weapon deterioration used is worth more than the exp.Craft a batch of Rockets with a high cooldown = 500 exp.Farm stealing and get loads of exp bonuses every 10 seconds = 500 exp.Does this look right to you people?
There is no reason to drag out the leveling process during a beta, all it does in hinder testing.
soldiers should have very difficult time to level up because they can kill and rob other characters or NPC to gain exp and items
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
That's bullshit. Look: Crafters can craft to gain exp and items (items which have 0% deterioration).Thieves can steal to gain exp and items.It is unfair on fighters if 4 humans in Metal Armor give only 200 exp in total.
i wan`t it to be elite hardcore players only
So you're saying that there should only be Level 21 Big Gunners who play 24/7 and everyone else has to suffer? Good idea!
can anyone clarify how does the diminishing work ?in kills you only major groups are counted like : rats geckos , man , ghouls etc...does it mean that if i killed alot silver geckos exp for silver / fire ones will be reduced ? is there any way to coutner the diminishing ? like if i got huge panalty on geckos and istart killing soemthing else after some time the penalty on geckos will drop ?