Other > Suggestions

First Aid requires First Aid Kits

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I'd like a cap on how much healing you can do without a First Aid Kit. Maybe 20hp.

Being a medic doesn't require anything but skillpoints, and it takes about 5 seconds to heal yourself. Pretty much every combat character has it, and it's often used mid-fight. This seems a little crazy considering how much healing it can do and how little effort is required.

So to be an effective medic, you need medical supplies. Nothing too expensive, maybe just $50-100 for a basic first aid kit. The more advanced ones give you a healing rate bonus, perhaps. They can also be crafted with some pretty easily obtainable supplies - say a knife, some fruit, a syringe, some rotgut and some fibres.

I'm wary of suggesting the same thing for doctor - for crippled limbs I'd suggest the price of surgery at town doctors is dramatically reduced. Nobody's going to pay $1000 to get themselves patched up.

Surgery requiring doctor's tools could work if town doctors were also made a lot cheaper. If you want to heal yourself out in the wastes, you need to pack your own medical tools. If you're not skilled enough or you don't have any, you limp back to a town doctor and pay $150. It would also be worth introducing bartering for medical treatment, as in Fallout 1. If you don't have caps, you offer some of your gear.

i agree on this.
it shouldn't be possible to heal a crippled limb without a doctors bag.

In WoW u have castbar when u use bandage. Here should be the same.  No healing in middle of fight boys :)

Agreed. It takes ammo to cause damage, to heal it there should be specific munition aswell.

This is retarded, FA is the only thing that makes this game playable. Even at max end you only gain like 10 hp every 5 minutes or something, and when you are fighting centaurs and floaters hth you need to heal about twice a fight. I already have to sacrifice 9 points into luck and most of my skill points to get decent healing. Do you want to stop playing for half an hour every time you die?


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