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Author Topic: First Aid requires First Aid Kits  (Read 11080 times)

First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« on: January 29, 2010, 07:18:46 pm »

I'd like a cap on how much healing you can do without a First Aid Kit. Maybe 20hp.

Being a medic doesn't require anything but skillpoints, and it takes about 5 seconds to heal yourself. Pretty much every combat character has it, and it's often used mid-fight. This seems a little crazy considering how much healing it can do and how little effort is required.

So to be an effective medic, you need medical supplies. Nothing too expensive, maybe just $50-100 for a basic first aid kit. The more advanced ones give you a healing rate bonus, perhaps. They can also be crafted with some pretty easily obtainable supplies - say a knife, some fruit, a syringe, some rotgut and some fibres.

I'm wary of suggesting the same thing for doctor - for crippled limbs I'd suggest the price of surgery at town doctors is dramatically reduced. Nobody's going to pay $1000 to get themselves patched up.

Surgery requiring doctor's tools could work if town doctors were also made a lot cheaper. If you want to heal yourself out in the wastes, you need to pack your own medical tools. If you're not skilled enough or you don't have any, you limp back to a town doctor and pay $150. It would also be worth introducing bartering for medical treatment, as in Fallout 1. If you don't have caps, you offer some of your gear.
Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 08:09:18 pm »

i agree on this.
it shouldn't be possible to heal a crippled limb without a doctors bag.
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Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 08:25:58 pm »

In WoW u have castbar when u use bandage. Here should be the same.  No healing in middle of fight boys :)


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Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 08:32:06 pm »

Agreed. It takes ammo to cause damage, to heal it there should be specific munition aswell.
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Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 09:14:29 pm »

This is retarded, FA is the only thing that makes this game playable. Even at max end you only gain like 10 hp every 5 minutes or something, and when you are fighting centaurs and floaters hth you need to heal about twice a fight. I already have to sacrifice 9 points into luck and most of my skill points to get decent healing. Do you want to stop playing for half an hour every time you die?


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Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2010, 09:22:28 pm »

well most healing is uses when fighting not pvp, so i think healing is good then and hurts noone.


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Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2010, 09:26:42 pm »

it should be something like: only medics can use it during a fight or you have to hold some king of item in your hands, not necessarily one that have limited ammo/points. With this thing, gunners etc wont be able to heal themselves and there would be some combat medics. Everyone is happy
Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2010, 09:26:55 pm »

yeah who has time to spend 3 ap during a pvp fight, those last like 3 seconds max.
Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2010, 10:19:56 pm »

This is retarded, FA is the only thing that makes this game playable. Even at max end you only gain like 10 hp every 5 minutes or something, and when you are fighting centaurs and floaters hth you need to heal about twice a fight.

No, what's retarded is regenerating gunshot wounds in about four seconds, and it requiring nothing but a bit of arm waving. If you want healing mid-fight, you should be using stimpaks not performing complex medical procedures. Right now stimpaks are useless, and that needs to be addressed. Hell, maybe even a interface button to just jab yourself with a stimpak.

What motivates me is how being a medic isn't a real role in fights. You're not rushing around trying to heal people, everyone just hits their '5' key and clicks themselves between getting shot. But this is also hampered by how fast fights are - by the time you run up to your intended patient, he's likely to be dead. Similarly, the 20hp gap between unconsciousness and death isn't long enough to save someone. And the fact that you can only really heal one person per fight.


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Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2010, 10:56:40 pm »

No, what's retarded is regenerating gunshot wounds in about four seconds, and it requiring nothing but a bit of arm waving.
Yeah, and using a needle with some medicine to regenerate gunshot wounds, chemical burns and damage from explosives makes perfect sense.

If you want healing mid-fight, you should be using stimpaks not performing complex medical procedures. Right now stimpaks are useless, and that needs to be addressed. Hell, maybe even a interface button to just jab yourself with a stimpak.
So, another skill down the drain because a person that doesn't really fight thinks it's the way to go? Everyone supposed to make new builds because "stimpaks are useless" (well they really aren't, they're just expensive - but how the heck are you supposed to know that  ::))? Gotta add another 2 hours of crafting stimpacks before fighting because the 2 hours spent crafting ammo isn't enough? Getting exp nerfed into oblivion because you have to wait who-the-fuck-knows-how-much before your HPs regenerate on your own and you don't really want to be carrying those valuable medical supplies for a simple centaur run is what we need in this already overly laborous game? What a splendid, absolutely glorious idea.

What motivates me is how being a medic isn't a real role in fights. You're not rushing around trying to heal people, everyone just hits their '5' key and clicks themselves between getting shot. But this is also hampered by how fast fights are - by the time you run up to your intended patient, he's likely to be dead. Similarly, the 20hp gap between unconsciousness and death isn't long enough to save someone.
Raged and LOL'd at the same time. 8/10. Would rage and LOL again.

And the fact that you can only really heal one person per fight.
That's almost as good as the one before. 7+/10. Well trolled sir.
Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2010, 11:00:47 pm »

It's not about realism, this game isn't anywhere close to realistic. Limiting healing to 20 hp? At that skill level is this max reached at? What cooldown would this have, like 4 seconds?
Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2010, 11:05:36 pm »

You don't see combat medics because the cooldown means there is no chance to be one. If the cooldown start to get lower like 150 [4 min] 200 [3 min] 250+[1.5 min] then you will start to see combat medics taking part of groups.

People turning into ghouls instead of dying from radiation sickness is retarded. Idea of walking from Los Angeles to San Francisco in less then a day is retarted as fock. Thinking you can make a SMG from junk found in a junkyard is retarded too. Yet you don't complain because fun trumps realism by a longshot. So why now?
Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2010, 11:06:21 pm »

how does the heal from FA look like ? max heal = FA skill level ? or smth like this ?

I think that reducing the CD by half and amount healed too should help alot.

Then First aid kit could be added as way to heal with increased success

EDIT ; combat medics ? hmm maybe add perk - requires 150 FA , 120 Doc 8 int, 6 end  - reduces FA and doctor Cooldown by half or so.Another rank would reduce it by another half ...smth like that
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 11:08:51 pm by Attero »


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Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2010, 11:06:44 pm »

It's not about realism, this game isn't anywhere close to realistic. Limiting healing to 20 hp? At that skill level is this max reached at? What cooldown would this have, like 4 seconds?
Actually, FA makes the tactics employed more realistic, cause people tend to stick together if they can aid someon when he's knocked down or something like that. This change would not only damage PvP and make PvP-specific builds obsolete, it'd kill the game for all the low-level loners (can't craft anything, can't use FA to get exp on weak critters -> can't advance in the game) and make it next to unbearable for everyone else (some raiders roughed you up? game over for the next 2 hours or cough those painfully crafted meds up). There's been all sorts of retarded ideas posted here and on NMA, but I'm pretty confident that this one takes the cake.

Quote from: Giemz
You don't see combat medics because the cooldown means there is no chance to be one.
I call bullshit on this one. You see A LOT of combat medic-like behaviour, especially with helping knocked down people get back on their feet (oh-so-unrealistic, amirite?) and you do see specialised medics helping with the weakening condition. OP has absolutely no idea what he's talking about.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 11:09:58 pm by Nice_Boat »
Re: First Aid requires First Aid Kits
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2010, 11:07:58 pm »

You want to see realistic post apocalypse watch "the road" it's boring as fuck.
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