Other > Closed suggestions

balancing skills

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--- Quote from: RavenWolf on January 29, 2010, 06:00:30 pm ---nope,alertness dosn't increase your range ::).
the perception stat gives you a base for these factors, the alertness skill will improve these factors.

it works like barter and CH.

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--- Quote from: RavenWolf on January 29, 2010, 06:00:30 pm ---Alertness will be a passive skill, it will affect:
-sneakers detection
-traps detection
-steal detection
-start position in RE

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I think that all of these depends on PE now.

Anyway, sneaking has been nerfed to the point of absurd, so implementing a special skill, that would give you a bonus to detecting sneakers, seems pointless.

So basically all PvP chars have to go weapon+alertness+sneak/FA and all crafters are going to get screwed by sneak ninjas once again? I don't really think that's a good idea.


--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on January 29, 2010, 06:22:28 pm ---So basically all PvP chars have to go weapon+alertness+sneak/FA

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Now it's just weapon+FA.  ::)


--- Quote ---sneaking has been nerfed to the point of absurd, so implementing a special skill, that would give you a bonus to detecting sneakers, seems pointless.
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thats the point, sneak has been nerfed and now its useless. So with alerness it will be efective against characters that doesn have raised this skill. if the char have raised alertness, sneak will works like now against those characters.

--- Quote ---So basically all PvP chars have to go weapon+alertness+sneak/FA
--- End quote ---
no, PvP chars have to raise weapon+FA just like now. but they will have more options:
 if they dont want to be ambushed by sneakers they will raise alertness, and if they want to ambush chars they will have to raise sneak.

--- Quote ---all crafters are going to get screwed by sneak ninjas once again?
--- End quote ---
not if they raise alertness.

Basically stealth and steal could be fused since they are both about something that's being done without being noticed, or lockpick and traps because both have to do with mechanical devices.


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