Other > Closed suggestions
balancing skills
My suggestions are:
Change gambling in to a "fortune" skill (starting value LK*4)
fortune will be a passive skill, it will affect:
-deterioration of the stuff founded in RE (1% less deterioration for each 6% in skill)
-amount of gold founded in RE (1% more gold for each 1% in skill)
-amount o bullets founded in RE (1% more bullets for each 5% in skill)
-Chance to find special stuff in RE (would be some like the enemies will drop the armor that are wearing or some rare items)
How it will works in groups?
the total skill % will be the sum off all players fortune skill divided the amount of players, plus the 10% of the skill for each player.
in a group of 2 if one player have 150% , and the other 40% the value will be (150+40)/2 +15+4 =114
in a group of 5 if each player have 120% the final value will be 180%
so Fortune will be a interesting skill for farming more efficient, and players will form groups for drop special items.
Rename the traps skills to explosives or demolition
Merge the steal and lock pick skill in one skill like thievery (starting value 15% +PE +AG)
change the other skill to some like Alertness (starting value 5% +3*PE)
Alertness will be a passive skill, it will affect:
-sneakers detection
-traps detection
-steal detection
-start position in RE
So Sniper players will need to improve the Alertness skill, to see sneaking enemies at high range. And in PvE would be effective to start far from enemies
Detection formula would be some like:
(20+PE*3)-distance to target + opponent's alertness skill/6 - previously calculated sneak skill / 5
210 sneak vs 120 alertness
front fsides bsides back
1PE: 19 13 7 3- hexes.
5 PE: 31 25 19 13 hexes.
8 PE : 40 34 28 22 hexes.
10 PE: 46 40 34 28 hexes.
300 sneak vs 120 alertness
front fsides bsides back
1PE: 3- 3- 3- 3- hexes.
5 PE: 13 7 3- 3- hexes.
8 PE : 22 16 10 4 hexes.
10 PE: 28 22 16 10 hexes.
300 sneak vs 46 alertness
front fsides bsides back
1PE: 3- 3- 3- 3- hexes.
5 PE: 0 3- 3- 3- hexes.
8 PE : 9 3 3- 3- hexes.
10 PE: 15 9 3 3- hexes.
210 sneak vs 210 alertness
front fsides bsides back
1PE: 23+ 23+ 22 16 hexes.
5 PE: 35+ 35+ 34 28 hexes.
8 PE : 44+ 44+ 43 37 hexes.
10 PE: 50+ 50+ 49 43 hexes.
the values in the tables represent the distance that the sneaker is detected.
the - means that the value is lower than 3
the + means that the value is greater than the LoS for the PE value (20+PE*3)
and make the field of view limited only by perception and obstacles (not from sides), because when you are sneaking you already have the modiefers from the side at the enemy is looking. maybe adjust it to make more difference in hex from sides. like
-100 when directly looking at opponent
-60 when looking from frontsides
-20 when opponent is in backside area
+20 for 'behind' hexes
with this adjustment the table will look:
210 sneak vs 120 alertness
front fsides bsides back
1PE: 21 13 5 3- hexes.
5 PE: 33 25 17 9 hexes.
8 PE : 42 34 26 18 hexes.
10 PE: 48 40 32 24 hexes.
i know devs want to keep the game as close to the original, but in the original fallout the skills wasn’t balanced. so maybe some of them would need to be replaced or modified.
well… that’s is my suggestion... and sorry for my english.
Doesn't this "alertness" skill do exacly the same as perception stat?
nope,alertness dosn't increase your range ::).
the perception stat gives you a base for these factors, the alertness skill will improve these factors.
it works like barter and CH.
Adding another skill required for sneaker sniper and forcing him to use it (when already need HIGH PE, 10PE means 50hex sight - range of sniper rifle) gonna kill this build. Even 8-9 IN sniper can't reach 2 skills above 220% having all others (sneak? first aid? outdoorsmen?) on average ~100%.. Need to be retought once again :P
missclick, smbdy kill this one post please
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