Please keep in mind that I change stuff all the time, not just adding armors. So some things still need corrections, others are just for testing, and they might not work the way they should. Also that this is not a beta release, it's a Work in Progress, it's like a peek into the workshop

Said this, I will upload the progress tomorrow. Maybe I'll have to explain some things, or write some changelog.
EDIT: Ok, it is now available. I'll try to explain the new stuff.
- I changed the texture mapping for the female model. This will give some problem with the textures, I need to fix those.
- Added the Combat Armor for the girl, and the NCR Ranger Combat Armor. The CA clothing texture for the male model is still missing.
- Now the clothes are managed a different way by the game: there is one layer for the armor, one for the armor's regular clothing, one for the helmets, two for character's upper and lower garments. I'll explain this below
-Some colors for the clothes. However there is no texture for the male, only female.
-Added the Hair for the woman with 4 colours.
You will need to know how to use the console to make this work right. Get administrator access and use this commands:
Assuming that your character ID is 1.
~run debug body 1 292 1 Sets the character's gender to Male
~run debug body 1 295 1 Sets the character's gender to Female
Parameters: First number is the char ID, second the Layer number, last is the Value. Value -1 deactivates the layer, while Value 0 resets it to the character's initial value.
~run debug SetCritParam 1 150 2 Sets the skin tone to number 2, which is the only one available for both genders.
~run debug SetCritParam 1 153 1 Sets the armor. Value ranges from 1 to 14. Not all armors are available for both genders.
~run debug SetCritParam 1 153 1 Sets the helmet. The value matches the armor number.
~run debug SetCritParam 1 155 1 Sets the armor's clothing. The Values match the armor number in the above armor layer. Set them to the same number.
~run debug SetCritParam 1 157 45 Sets Hair. Values from 42 to 47.
~run debug SetCritParam 1 163 1 Sets lower garments in the character.
~run debug SetCritParam 1 164 1 Sets upper garments.
The last two layers override the armor's clothes. Deactivate both of them with -1 to use armor's clothes again.
It is complicated, I think I'm going to keep it simple and go back to the previous version. Anyway, give it a try.