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Author Topic: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.  (Read 2051 times)

Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« on: February 23, 2011, 02:32:29 am »

Vendors - Trading
Make bartering time longer, how it is now its just annoying and you are ussualy forced to take more then one 30sec period to get what you want, it just take longer then if player have enough time to do what they will do anyway so theres no time safe for other players, and let more people barter with one vendor at same time how it was (3 would be fine), how it is now is just thief-troll friendly - trolls are cancer of this game.
 Those vendor new stuff bursts arent good idea(its like who come first or in right time), make them distribute gradually like every 5 minutes exchanging some of thier stuff for higher reliable ones as armors, ammo, caps. There arent only players in this world, NCR has what, 700,000 citizens?
So everyone should have a chance to buy their armor, ammo stuff etc.

I like the way how it is now, but more randomness with piece of surety in other ways would be appreciated same as with more variety and "good squares". The map is big and this game is almost all about encouters(atleast the PVE part), the hard work in this way would be most creditable. I would love some encouters with random corpses tents or whatever where you can find, scavange some random stuff/treasures, ofcourse embattled with some critters or NPC's.
Next one would be some kind of slider implemented into map interface, where you can choose between
"Looking for encouters" -"normal"(default) - "Avoiding everything you see"   (in depending on outdoors skill)
 i think this suggestion is clear to everyone.

Why is there any town control when normal players, loners are scared to go into unguarded towns to trade gather etc.?
Keepers should have to protect those and keep town safe and prosperous. Why should be millita loyal if town-keepers do nothing for the city, they are recruited from citizens of city right?
If this kind of city will become attacked by another gang the colour of the town would change to red so any player in this world would know its being attacked and could decide if they were satisfied with administration of that city and if they'll come to defend it or help the attackers. Sure there should be implemented some system of colorizing the Attackers - Red and Protectors - Green, and there would be option to choose a side before enter into city. (If anyone would try to abuse it there'll some personal karma or "tag" consequences*)
There would be some ways for other gangs and players to harm and troll in the city, Town-keepers job would be defending and punishment them, so citizen and players would be satisfied and safe.

(Not just for the reason that you own the city, so you can troll any wastelander without any consequences and millitia will support you in this)

This game is too troll friendly, that's why it isnt much populated and new players leaving.

That are my few cents, you can post here your opinions or ideas too.

This game wasnt made to be true post apocalyptic, racional, realistic, food chain jungle kind of thinking world. That's why there are things like karma, luck etc. There should be some kind of higher law/order, universum balance (doesnt matter if you trust in something like this IRL).
So it could be something like personal karma what would change with things what you'll do, surprisingly. Other players would see it on the color of your name -1000 Green (personal tags would be implemented different way, something like lil falloutish devil(crosshair) or angel(peace bird) in front of name).
Easy way to go with karma to negative numbers, hardly way to positive values. The higher your karma is the more will hit it any negative behavior. Killing other players will mostly lower your karma in depending on what is their karma, so the lower his karma is, the lower your karma would be hitted or wouldnt(if victims karma is on bottom), no positive numbers in killing players anyway, only the killed guys karma will increase as an karma payback (expect TC when everyone things that they are on the good side, every coin has two sides - no karma consequences).
This personal karma will affect the game and players greatly by benefits  but it will make some kind of balance. If it would be implemented right, then players would think twice to try to rob or kill somebody. Low karma/reputation in wasteland would result in KoS by guards in some "higher class" cities in depending on their toleration.
This karma system would bring some order into this game.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 02:41:11 pm by None »


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Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2011, 02:37:22 am »

Just replying to trading:

For last time, about timer, just give him a cap or bullet every 30 seconds to reset timer.

About trolls:  They are the game.

About having more than one trade at time:  Often, a person would micromanage working speedily and hopeful that he gets buy same thing in time, just to have it say (WOOPS SORRY ITS GONE NAOW FUCK OFF) which was really, really annoying.  I honestly like how it is, pushing people during trades aren't that bad as long as you know how to react to them.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2011, 02:46:43 am »

Well, the trading could be just more real time/actual so if other player place some stuff on his "trading table" or allready bought something, it should be actualised and visible for others in vendors inventory. Not sure if engine supports it.
Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2011, 03:16:27 am »

I agree with all of these.

Michaelh, stop whining about how there is a work around you can use, and realize that the suggestions are for bettering the game, adding convenience. You shouldnt troll around threads saying "Oh yeah this would help alot, but you can go out of your way to do this so that thing doesnt happen"

+1 to this thread.


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Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2011, 03:20:25 am »

I agree with all of these.

Michaelh, stop whining about how there is a work around you can use, and realize that the suggestions are for bettering the game, adding convenience. You shouldnt troll around threads saying "Oh yeah this would help alot, but you can go out of your way to do this so that thing doesnt happen"

+1 to this thread.
The workaround is nothing, is one cap really worth that much to you? Think of it this way, the shopkeeper has got other costumers, he cannot spend all his time talking to some annoying wastelander, so you give him a shiny cap every once in a while to keep him interested in what you have to offer.  I doubt changing the timer will happen EVER or is even that big of an achievement seeing as it has been suggested a thousand times over (Even by me in my early stages) and has not happened.  So get used to it.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2011, 03:27:21 am »

Im not saying that I overly value one cap, and don't want to give it up. I shouldnt have to drag my caps all the way over, press one, then press offer just so I can shop a bit longer, then repeat ESPECIALLY since most of the time when I am shopping, no one is even there.


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Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2011, 04:08:25 am »

About trolls:  They are the game

I would really like you to explain this a bit more, please.


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Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2011, 04:14:02 am »

I would really like you to explain this a bit more, please.
You of all people should know what I mean. ( I am not implying you are troll )
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Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2011, 04:26:18 am »

Heh. I know, man. I also know 2238 playerbase in general is, well, let's just say it's not the best around. I was just interested in your opinion about this characteristic.


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Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2011, 04:43:48 am »

Trolling is the following:  Killing newbies(Depends on whether you have awareness ofc), Insulting others for no apparent cause, Betraying the trust of others (only in forms of baserape/tentrape, its simply ridiculous, otherwise its mk in my book), or otherwise just being a plain out of sight ass hole/complete hypocrit. (Screaming random nonsense continuosly [spam] counts)

No one is pure but not everyone is full of sin.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 04:51:09 am by Michaelh139 »
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2011, 01:28:41 pm »

About TC, I'm beginning to think longer periods of control are a good idea - and rewards somehow based upon how well they have encouraged the operation of the town. With Militia acting as normal guards (more loyal to their town than who controls it - to stop them being used as PKers tools).

This way we could have guarded areas inside north towns and give gangs a longer term goal, rather than just taking towns for the sake of it.

Then domination mode could be the fighting for loot mechanism that TC currently is.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2011, 01:52:47 pm »

I have a 9 CH build which by default has a 50 seconds barter timer. The barter skill is around 50 I think.
Nothing is preventing you from putting some skill points in barter to increase the barter timer. Giving a cap to the trader is a work around for not investing points in the barter skill or not having a high charisma.

Solar replied on an encounter thread:
I think we should see it as a work in progress.

It's not just loners. Smaller factions don't stand a chance either. You'll get attacked by a PK from the controlling faction, which results in the militia attacking you too.
You already get a message when a gang is trying to take over a town.
I wouldn't mind being able to see who belongs to the faction that's currently holding a town.
Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2011, 02:11:07 pm »

But TC will be still the matter of big factions when the smaller ones have to join one of them to have some fun with TC too.
And yes theres a message popin up your screen, i meant it like a some kind of distress signal for everyone in wasteland.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 02:15:16 pm by None »


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Re: Few little suggestions/fixes to make this game better.
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2011, 07:50:40 pm »

Domination Mode is for small teams. TC is unlimited.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
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