Author Topic: Putting my own server online  (Read 4409 times)

Putting my own server online
« on: February 22, 2011, 08:15:19 pm »
Hi, i'm trying to put my server which uses FOnline SDK online i mean accessible by my friends

I have a question, i want to make it work on a Linux Ubuntu Server, but every application about the FOnline server is *.exe so i wonder if i have to put Fonline server on a windows server or could it work on a Linux server and how ?
Help much appreciated guys !
thanks a lot !!

Offline Crazy

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Re: Putting my own server online
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 08:35:52 pm »
Hi, i'm trying to put my server which uses FOnline SDK online i mean accessible by my friends

I have a question, i want to make it work on a Linux Ubuntu Server, but every application about the FOnline server is *.exe so i wonder if i have to put Fonline server on a windows server or could it work on a Linux server and how ?
Help much appreciated guys !
thanks a lot !!

Portage of server on Linux machine is planned, but not done yet. ATM, you should use virtualbox or dual boot if you want a server on your machine (on my Ubuntu, Wine didn't manage to make it work).
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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TTTLA, for Great Justice !

Re: Putting my own server online
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 10:12:43 pm »
ok thanks :)
so windows server for the moment ...