Gray Weapon Skin Mod v 1.0
Simple graphic modification that swap sprites for most firearms in Fallout Online (Fallout 2 too, if you know how to apply them/use external loading)
They may not be pretty, Many of you may consider them worse than original, but i've decidet i'll post them here anyway.
Downlaod Links: is simple - just extract content of this rar file to your Fallout Online installation directory.
Uninstalling is simple too - just delete content of data/art/inven folder.
Commencts, Sugestions, Ideas Are welcome.
And yes, i know that weird blue gun (XL70E3 i believe) have even more weird skin now (it's from district nine, actually). You can easily delete any of those sprites you dont want to change.
here is list:
44mspeed.frm - magnum speedloader
AMINIGUN.FRM - avenger minigun
ASSRIFL2.FRM - assault rifle upgraded
ASSSHOT.FRM - combat shotgun
bozar.frm - guess what. Bozar!
DEAGLE2.FRM - desert eagle upgraded
DECKER.FRM - .223 pistol
FLAMETHR.FRM - flammenwerf
fnfal.frm - FN Fal
FNFALLOW.FRM - FN Fal nightvision mod
GIZGUN1.FRM - 9mm Mauser
greasegn.frm - Grease Gun
GRIFLE.FRM - assault rifle
hkcaws.frm - h&k CAWS
hkg11.frm - h&k G11
HKG11E.FRM - h&K G11E
hkp90c.frm - p90 <3
HRIFLE.FRM - hunting rifle
hrifle2.frm - scoped hunting rifle
IFLAMETH.FRM - flamethrower upgraded
indweap.frm - XL70E3
jackhamr.frm - pancor jackhammer
KNIFE3.FRM - combat knife
lightsup.frm - light support weapon system
M60.FRM - m60
MAGNUM.FRM - imi desert eagle
magnum2.frm - .44 revolver
MINIGUN.FRM - minigun
OKNIFE.FRM - rusty knife
PISTOL.FRM - 10mm knife
RLAUNCH.FRM - rocket launcher
SHOTGUN6.FRM - shotgun
SMGPSTLE.FRM - 14mm pistol
SNIPER.FRM - sniper rifle
SOSHOTGN.FRM - sawed off shotgun
TOMMYGUN.FRM - thompson machinegun