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Author Topic: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0  (Read 11719 times)

Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« on: January 29, 2010, 12:38:35 am »

Gray Weapon Skin Mod v 1.0

Simple graphic modification that swap sprites for most firearms in Fallout Online (Fallout 2 too, if you know how to apply them/use external loading)
They may not be pretty, Many of you may consider them worse than original, but i've decidet i'll post them here anyway.


Downlaod Links:

Instalation is simple - just extract content of this rar file to your Fallout Online installation directory.
Uninstalling is simple too - just delete content of data/art/inven folder.

Commencts, Sugestions, Ideas Are welcome.

And yes, i know that weird blue gun (XL70E3 i believe) have even more weird skin now (it's from district nine, actually). You can easily delete any of those sprites you dont want to change.
here is list:

44mspeed.frm          - magnum speedloader
AMINIGUN.FRM         - avenger minigun
ASSRIFL2.FRM          - assault rifle upgraded
ASSSHOT.FRM          - combat shotgun
bozar.frm                 - guess what. Bozar!
DEAGLE2.FRM           - desert eagle upgraded 
DECKER.FRM             - .223 pistol
FLAMETHR.FRM         - flammenwerf
fnfal.frm                   - FN Fal
FNFALLOW.FRM         - FN Fal nightvision mod
GIZGUN1.FRM           - 9mm Mauser
greasegn.frm            - Grease Gun
GRIFLE.FRM              - assault rifle
hkcaws.frm              - h&k CAWS
hkg11.frm                - h&k G11
HKG11E.FRM            - h&K G11E
hkp90c.frm              - p90 <3
HRIFLE.FRM             - hunting rifle
hrifle2.frm                - scoped hunting rifle
IFLAMETH.FRM         - flamethrower upgraded
indweap.frm             - XL70E3
jackhamr.frm            - pancor jackhammer
KNIFE3.FRM              - combat knife
lightsup.frm             - light support weapon system
M60.FRM                 - m60
MAGNUM.FRM           - imi desert eagle
magnum2.frm           - .44 revolver
MINIGUN.FRM           - minigun
OKNIFE.FRM             - rusty knife
PISTOL.FRM             - 10mm knife
RLAUNCH.FRM          - rocket launcher
SHOTGUN6.FRM       - shotgun
SMGPSTLE.FRM        - 14mm pistol
SNIPER.FRM             - sniper rifle
SOSHOTGN.FRM       - sawed off shotgun
TOMMYGUN.FRM      - thompson machinegun
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 04:59:21 pm by pirosan »
Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 01:46:50 am »

+1 For effort, but not to my taste))


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Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 10:07:30 pm »

Don't forget to credit him, okay?
Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2010, 12:32:16 am »

credit him for what?


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Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2010, 02:18:14 am »

Is it just in the picture or does the Combat Shotgun look like an FN Fal? And the FN Fal look like some sort of p90?
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.
Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2010, 01:22:43 pm »

Is it just in the picture or does the Combat Shotgun look like an FN Fal? And the FN Fal look like some sort of p90?

Combat shotgun have skin of Saiga 12 tactical mod (larger magazine than civil version, pistol grip, front rail system and foldable stock).
FN FAL graphic has been changed to newer rifle from Fabrique Nationale de hersal - FN 2000 rifle - without and with NV scope (to be precise, it's just optical scope with nice ABS cover - but it's possible to install NV scope under that cover) (this mod was made mostly with idea of f2, and there was fn fal with nightvision :P)
And there is alsoa  place for p90 - it has replaced hkp90c, which is Heckler and Koch product ingame, idk for what reason, probably legal issues.
Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2010, 10:16:23 pm »

Combat shotgun have skin of Saiga 12 tactical mod (larger magazine than civil version, pistol grip, front rail system and foldable stock).
FN FAL graphic has been changed to newer rifle from Fabrique Nationale de hersal - FN 2000 rifle - without and with NV scope (to be precise, it's just optical scope with nice ABS cover - but it's possible to install NV scope under that cover) (this mod was made mostly with idea of f2, and there was fn fal with nightvision :P)
And there is alsoa  place for p90 - it has replaced hkp90c, which is Heckler and Koch product ingame, idk for what reason, probably legal issues.

Easily could of been used as some sort of Night Vision, There are enough Pictures of the FN Fal with and without some sort of scope.
No need to completly replace the icon with the FN2000

The Grease Gun, real name being the M3 Submachine Gun.

It probably would of been better using more Fallout Tactic Icons, but some of the ones you have look nice.

Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 11:43:24 pm »

Easily could of been used as some sort of Night Vision, There are enough Pictures of the FN Fal with and without some sort of scope.
No need to completly replace the icon with the FN2000

Of course, i even could make a picture with fn fal with nv scope by myself, but i wanted totally new rifle look - FN2000, the newest child of Fabriqque nationale. That was my point.

The Grease Gun, real name being the M3 Submachine Gun.

You're 100% right, i should put an official name there rather than it's 'nickname'(which i liked more, tbh :P). Edited, thank you.

It probably would of been better using more Fallout Tactic Icons, but some of the ones you have look nice.

Maybe. But there is already a mod with that graphic theme, and i didn't want to copy someone ideas. And whole point was to create something totally new, bringing a little fresh view into game (for me at last).
Thanks for comment!


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Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2010, 01:22:39 am »

Pirosan, can you upload the file on
I have trouble downloading from Rapidshare.
Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2010, 04:58:16 pm »

Added mediafire download link.
Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2010, 01:44:53 am »

I can probably get more accurate guns with Garry's Mod Screenshots...  But, I do love the effort, most of the work is done nicely (Glad to see you caught the Bladerunner reference with the .223 Pistol)

But next time...  Please just remember to get guns that actually look like the weapons, not just grab a random gun and say "This looks good enough!"

Know what, I think I just might do a little bit of imaging myself...  Don't know how the modding process will go, but I'm sure I can come up with something.  I'll post up something here when the time comes.  Hell, maybe we can both do something together.

*** EDIT ***
Took some quick pictures, here's a contibution to this mod, so when you update it, you got some alternate gun images to use (Just photoshop or Gimp them to fit your current mod).  Doing the 10mm weapons, the 14mm Pistol, and .223 Pistol were... a Little difficult because I've never really seen what they look like, or even know if they really exsist.  Same with the H&K CAWS.  The assault rifle can actually be varied quite alot, because it's quite the generalized term.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 04:14:05 am by EdwardRegrave »


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Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2010, 09:03:54 pm »

Edward I like view of skins more than the previous, the are more accurate :)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 11:38:39 pm by Surf Solar »

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Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2010, 05:00:47 am »

Thanks, buy I'm not officially part of this, I just decided to add in my 2 cents to help out because some guns... Were not so right looking.
Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2010, 05:45:20 am »

The garrys mod stuff looks nice, although doesnt match so well..
The gun you have in there as xl70e3, is the L85.
according to canon, the LSW is based upon the L85.
xl70e3 would be more of an m4 prototype weapon


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Re: Gray Weapon Skins Mod 1.0
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2010, 11:52:12 am »

with the lsw and xl70e3 you are not right.
XL70E3 is a propotype/predecessor of L85/SA80

while LSW is a machine gun verison of L85/SA80 and it is called L86A1 LSW

here are the links where you can read about it:

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