FOnline Development > 3D Development
Character Animations
512x512 is all you need, anything else is a waste.
Specular maps in current shader apply whole RBG spectrum, however you can use black/white if you want reflection to look so (as it is on sprites I guess)
--- Quote ---do you mean a light effect inside the shader for weapons fire? Sounds nice.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, the shadow beneath person do not move, nor the light itself cast any, so it takes just point light to reproduce.
epic Karpov, just epic
Just converted the minigun animation, but somehow the animation for the female character in the original sprites holsters the weapon to the other side, so I might have to do that one again. Also the "punch" animation is converted, which was also slightly different. There was going to be a third animation set, but I had some trouble with that one, so I went like >:( and could not finish it.
Here's the video
What's that, Rocky or a one million dollar baby? ;D
Now that's showcasing!
A little show off from the mutie he is doing some idling stuff. Don't mind the look of the char just concentrate on the animation...
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