FOnline Development > 3D Development
Character Animations
--- Quote from: Johnnybravo on December 15, 2011, 12:08:36 am ---If you are good in 2d or painting, you can greatly contribute to 3D depository by improving skins for existing models. Some guys did really great jobs on their models and on diffuse layers for those as well, however others did do nice models but left skin part on others - and unfortunately result is not always optimal. There are also plenty of models which need specular reflection painted to look any good.
to look like
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Ah, now I know what you mean. The problem with this is, kinda like Karpov said - it requires the user to think in an additional dimension - editing a 2d texture is no problem, but imaging it later to be stretched/wrapped around the model and how to draw over it is kind of weird for me. :P But the leather armor you showed should be pretty straightforward, hm. I'll give it a try. :p
Karpov - once again very good looking. Got nothing to complain there - other than that I'd like to have them all NOW! ;P
I suggest you check out how karpov did leather jacket (you'll need to paint reflection as additional file to get it right in all possible angles), just copycat stuff in fo3d files (they are text files not binary data so it's fairly easy to edit them) and ask if there is anything that is not clear.
And, well... thanks for giving it a try :d.
Offtopic for 2 previous posts: I've just played with textures for fun, what I noticed, to see pixels it has to be 4096x4096 !!! otherwise it is smoothed somehow. At 8192x8192, FOnline 3d engine gave me what I wanted - texture with cutted palette was similar to 2d background and sprites. Am I missing something?
@baaelSiljan: I think that's the engine's texture filter. Maybe you could try to force Anisotropic filter from your video card control panel.
@Johnnybravo: do you mean a light effect inside the shader for weapons fire? Sounds nice.
About the textures: Now that we have those shaders, the idea is to make a flat texture and use specular maps for highlights.
Specular maps are simple: black sections are 0% shiny, and white are 100% shiny. If you have a very dark grey it will have some specularity too.
However, the specular map determines the intensity of the highlights, and not the surface smoothness. The surface smoothness is set on the fo3d file as "Specular_Power", higher values give smoother surfaces, like car paint or ceramic; while lower values give a less smooth specularity, like brushed metal, rubber, or skin.
PS: I had some trouble with the rifle position in her hands, so I have to fix that before I can upload it.
--- Quote from: Karpov on December 15, 2011, 03:40:34 am ---@baaelSiljan: I think that's the engine's texture filter. Maybe you could try to force Anisotropic filter from your video card control panel.
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it gives me nothing, turned anything off and still same, I guess it some kind of mip mapping or similar in game's engine, nvm end of offtopic ;)
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