Doesn't it look funny to anyone else when a 3D model is standing near a 2D NPC? Especially with the Texture differences, the overall dimensions, the lack of shadowing for the 3D model...
In my honest opinion, the 3D models kind of seem like overkill by comparison to NPCs. What will they look like if all the critters are also left in 2D?

1. Low priority
2. Almost no use
3. Muzzle flashes will be quite small detail (unless someone is actually going to make it huge) and therefore, different muzzle flash isn't necessary.
If you would read back, I was referring to the rockets and laser beams, etc. Things like that. They would look pretty dumb having a 2d rocket with pixelated flame coming out of a 3D rocket launcher with a 3D character doing the shooting, now wouldnt it?