Little update from the old "things to do list" :
1) Provisional version of Hooded, damaged coat
2) Provisional version of Gangster Suits
3) Any corrections / suggestions to the above
4) Female versions of these (and duster)

5) Lots of things that need doing from the armour and weapons trackers (i.e. texturing of armours and UV mapping of weapons). (other people have done this)
Then after all those are done,
6) If still available (i.e. nobody else has started working on them), the desert robes here and here.
7) Other things from the suggestions page[...]
Obviously there's new things to add :
1) If it wants doing, adjusting the UV maps on the new body models (fat, thin, dwarf etc)
2 or 3) Making fat / thin / dwarf etc for all the armours I have done
2 or 3b) Possibly adjusting / remaking the NCR longcoat guy, as I think I could do this better now (had a bit more practice)
3 or 2) The desert robes, as mentioned above, in all male/female/fat/thin/dwarf etc
4 or 5) Seeing if I can improve my textures, so they match the Fallout colour / style a bit better (ideally as close as possible to original styled sprites, until the "pixellation filter" exists.
5 or 4) Any other work that needs doing from the trackers
6) Anything else from the suggestions page