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Author Topic: Critical hits  (Read 26798 times)

Re: Critical hits
« Reply #60 on: February 16, 2011, 05:44:19 pm »

Somethings need to be changed about critical hits, that is for sure.

1- Armors should offer protection against crits.
2- If not removed, maximum hit chance for the eyes location should be reduced (from 95% to 75-80% for exemple).
3- Insta kill must be removed, they are really annoying and appart frustrations, i really dont see what they bring to the game.
4- Locations critical chances should be lowered (95% critical chances in the eyes is too much).


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #61 on: February 16, 2011, 07:15:55 pm »

Of course, when I said "in the begining", I was with 3rd season in mind.  ;)

Insta kill has only ever been decreased.

On the subject of those anti-crit perks, I can't help but wonder if removing the stat (not skill) requirements for perks would make character builds a bit more varied and interesting.

To put it another way, do you think stat requirements for perks lead to more or less diverse character builds? Or would it just lead to more extreme minmaxing? I don't know the answer, but I'd be interested to try.

Requirements are pretty much just what mood I was in when I did those, they weren't really ready for posting, but I thought I might aswell have a talk about what I was up to.

I personally favour lower reqs. Maybe they'd get so low you didn't need any SPECIAL reqs at all :/

Somethings need to be changed about critical hits, that is for sure.

1- Armors should offer protection against crits.
2- If not removed, maximum hit chance for the eyes location should be reduced (from 95% to 75-80% for exemple).
3- Insta kill must be removed, they are really annoying and appart frustrations, i really dont see what they bring to the game.
4- Locations critical chances should be lowered (95% critical chances in the eyes is too much).

All of those except the insta kill would be fixed by a Crit Mod factor on armours and helmets. Insta kill is in the originals, its so low of a chance - and with extra options to make it even more rare - that I don't think completely taking away something that was in the originals is needed.
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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #62 on: February 16, 2011, 08:39:24 pm »

I personally favour lower reqs. Maybe they'd get so low you didn't need any SPECIAL reqs at all :/

Looking at the perks table I can't see anything that would be incredibly gamebreaking if it was accessible to everyone of that level, or nearly everyone. To prevent the absolutely ridiculous, like a 1 IN char taking educated, the perk requirements for everything potentially be halved. So instead of 6 IN you'd need 3. Although, part of me thinks that if someone can make a halfway decent character with 1 IN and Educated, good luck to them.


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #63 on: February 16, 2011, 10:21:42 pm »

I dont agree with removing perk requirements. Face it, we got good perks and bad perks. Good perks such as BROF or BC require high SPECIAL, while bad perks (Explorer...) require none. Without requirements, all would just pick good perks and never ever bother to pick worse, because they wouldnt be forced to do that. Requirements add diversity in creating character and Id like to see this trend in new perks.

Actually, I was thinking you could go past level 21 with a reformed HP formula, so that you have more HP to begin with, equal HP on level 21 and then gain less HP per level than you would now - so you don't get huge HP but you get access to more perks.
This is another bad concept imo. Less perks means more variety in builds. I can see it on new servers that rose after releasing SDK. Characters have 10+ perks and there is almost no difference between them. Everyone has everything, even sniper and big gunner have the same perks.
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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #64 on: February 16, 2011, 10:39:17 pm »

This is another bad concept imo. Less perks means more variety in builds. I can see it on new servers that rose after releasing SDK. Characters have 10+ perks and there is almost no difference between them. Everyone has everything, even sniper and big gunner have the same perks.

You're wrong. It's because these server have 10 total perks at level cap, but only 10 "good" perks! So obviously, everyone have the same... With what Solar is showing us, if there are, let's say, 4 crits perks, 5 anti crit, 2 resistances perks, 2 Hp perks, 3 DPS perks, 2 AC perks, or even more, more perks slots will also allow more combinations, specialized fighetrs or more general ones.
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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #65 on: February 16, 2011, 10:39:46 pm »

Well, you get tied into specific builds with high requirements. You must have BRoF, so you must meet those requirements and so builds already have parameters within which they must be. If they are relaxed then you can get whichever perks you want and have flexibility on SPECIAL. What you need for this to work is lots of desirable perks.

I was actually thinking of level 24 ... so 8 perks (well, 14 really, but thats another story :P) and so 2 full "trees".
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #66 on: February 17, 2011, 11:37:31 am »

24 level would be good, more hp + 1 more perk
~30-50 more hp can make battles a bit longer. Or maybe even 27 level ;o


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #67 on: February 17, 2011, 11:46:01 am »

You're wrong. It's because these server have 10 total perks at level cap, but only 10 "good" perks! So obviously, everyone have the same... With what Solar is showing us, if there are, let's say, 4 crits perks, 5 anti crit, 2 resistances perks, 2 Hp perks, 3 DPS perks, 2 AC perks, or even more, more perks slots will also allow more combinations, specialized fighetrs or more general ones.
Yeah, thats another way how to balance things, to add lot of useful perks. But as long as there will be important perks, such as lifegiver, BC for snipers, BRD for big gunners and BROF for both, you wouldnt have much choice over the rest of perks.
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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #68 on: February 17, 2011, 11:57:10 am »

Yeah, they are "must take" perks, the truth is there wont be many good builds when only 2-3 perks are free to choose.
Maybe More Criticals available in 3 level. Because toughness / awereness is the only choice on this level..
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 11:58:54 am by Hayabusa »

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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #69 on: February 19, 2011, 03:21:18 am »

i hate that insta kill thing you cant hit a 9999999999 to an enclave guard at the spawn with a  punch
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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #70 on: February 20, 2011, 12:43:11 pm »

Just when you will add those anti-crit perks and Crit Modifiers, please think about BG Bazooka sniper, that can become unkillable/unstoppable (high range, high damage, hard to blind, hard to cripple, high hp (-10 crit tables = way less dmg for snipers, + additional lvl's = even more hp, while BG sniper will still only need like 2 shots to kill everyone w/o any crit perks or whatever)

You could just make KD be lower chance, and make perks that will split snipers into 2 builds.. crippler or crit hitter, so you can be crippler but do way less dmg than crit hitter, with lowered chance of arms crippling, or crit hitter = way less chance to cripple, but higher dmg.

So you would need to decide if you want to be crippler, have more chance to cripple but less crit dmg (BG will live longer and have a chance to do dmg/kill before he cripples you)
or crit hitter, way less chance to cripple but you do more dmg when you crit, so if you are lucky, you will kill bg faster then he will kill you. BG's will have more chance he won't get crippled arm so he can fire at you more, and kill you faster than sniper, because sniper could be unlucky.

You could make new perks for BG so he can decide if he wants to get less KD or less Arm/Body Cripples, just remember to not remove them totally. So like 2/4 new perks so BG can decide that he takes this one, and will get like 20% less chance of crippled arms/body parts, but it reduces his DR or whatever so he will get more dmg from crit hits (eg. +2% to opponents Crit Table)

Or he can take 2nd perk = less crit chance/crit dmg, but higher cripple chance.

You really have to think about this because otherwise you will make a way for unstoppable/unkillable BG tanks (high HP, best armors = almost no crits dmg, cripples, + anti-crit perks)

I also think that there should be more useful perks on 3rd lvl, because now it's only like 70% awarness and 30% thoughness, there should be something as good as awarness so people won't see info about player but will get something different which is as good as awarness. This would make fighting more based on real skill of choosing opponents etc. 'coz not everyone would run with Awarness, and wouln't know about armor or weapon or hp.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 12:52:14 pm by BaalShem »

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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #71 on: March 13, 2011, 09:08:31 pm »

oh boo-friggedy-hoo...."waaaaaaah! my big gunner now has to actually has to take damage before i shred some noob with kill-o-death burst...waaaaaaaah!" a sniper needs to bust ass to get to a point where he can do real damage and MAYBE get out alive...where as you people can throw a few points into bg, stock up on toughness/lifegiver/etc and go grief noobs....for the amount of things that MUST go right for the sniper to even have a shot, i think they deserve devastating crits. a glass-cannon is useless without the "cannon" part! I might be bitter, but it seems to me the BG build is synonomous with "i want to pk..but i dont actually want to put any effort into it..if its NOT one-sided, then i dont want to do it!"
The wasteland isnt harsh..its YOU who sucks!
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #72 on: March 13, 2011, 10:26:55 pm »

oh boo-friggedy-hoo...."waaaaaaah! my big gunner now has to actually has to take damage before i shred some noob with kill-o-death burst...waaaaaaaah!" a sniper needs to bust ass to get to a point where he can do real damage and MAYBE get out alive...where as you people can throw a few points into bg, stock up on toughness/lifegiver/etc and go grief noobs....for the amount of things that MUST go right for the sniper to even have a shot, i think they deserve devastating crits. a glass-cannon is useless without the "cannon" part! I might be bitter, but it seems to me the BG build is synonomous with "i want to pk..but i dont actually want to put any effort into it..if its NOT one-sided, then i dont want to do it!"
Eh... You know that the real pvp starts at 21 lvl? When all the powerbuilds are maxed out? Both snipers and bursters?
And on that point, BG is almost useless comparing to snipers and their criticals.

But maybe you don't understand it at all. I bet you never saw ONE town control fight. No serious PvP. You were just one of those poor bluesuits with <100hp who got bursted in the wasteland and shred into pieces in no time, first to say "OMG I got killed, nerf it!".
I wish you understood that only people at your level(not ingame level, but your knowledge about the game) will agree and look at the problem from your point of view.

Poor, defenseless bluesuit.


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #73 on: March 13, 2011, 10:28:48 pm »

"waaaaaaah! my big gunner now has to actually has to take damage before i shred some noob with kill-o-death burst...waaaaaaaah!...
"the BG build is synonomous with "i want to pk..but i dont actually want to put any effort into it...
It's about game balance, not a frivolous matter of "pkers".
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2011, 03:50:03 am »

Cant you join some perks together and keep the stat requirements? make it abit easier to get them without everyone being able to have them.

IE stonewall + quick recovery = Stunt double ( both effects )

That would also be a way to make some crappier ones like add explorer into survivalist, it'll make the game have alot less perks because the super crap ones are joined with the maybe/specialized ones.

Was just thinking that'll make the choices when lvling abit tougher instead of everyone having toughness x2 / BROF etc.

Of course these are just examples.
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