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What can change the nature of a man?

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--- Quote ---What can change the nature of a man?
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An old school marxist would probably answer: changing/getting/losing a job, or start owning/losing some mean of production, would change the nature of a man.

Someone with a lot of influence from Pierre Bourdieu would probably answer: a man's habitus (which is his nature) would change if his position in one or more fields he is participating in changes.

Ron Perlman would say:
Man, man never changes

Experience. Most Planescape answers sounds synonyms of that for me. Thou in my experience one's ability to receive it disappears with time, exponentially faster with age. That's why I can never call one 'young' as a negative.

Death. Pain. Suffer of any kind. Seeing others suffer. Pain, pain never changes... but changes your point of view about everything. You wont see anything in the same way after a good dose of pain. Pain reduces your mental sanity, slowly drowing you into a pitch of madness... or pain can save you from a such thing, bringing you back to reality. You can see it the way you want, but everything that changes your point of view can be reduced to pain. Hate, love, hunger, suffer, losses. Everything can be reduced to pain.

--- Quote from: Eternauta on September 26, 2011, 07:24:53 pm ---An old school marxist would probably answer: changing/getting/losing a job, or start owning/losing some mean of production, would change the nature of a man.

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I agree. That's a kind of pain, dont you think? Loosing your job, getting a job, or changing your job, bring all somehow to suffer, dont you think?

jonny rust:
It seems like everything on that list is a piece of the nature of man as I'm pretty sure we have all experienced each of those emotions and will all experience death.

It seems like a loaded question so my answer would be... brain damage.


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