Some rules for ask help:
-Dont follow people saying "want to hunt" there are pks
-If a random man accept a hunting proposition he is a pk
-If you find someone stronger than you whit a weapon he will kill you
-if you luckily find a rare or powerful weapon, is like put "kill me" in you back
-dont revive people unconsious in the middle desert, he is a pk
-if someone says "hi" he is a pk
-if someone says "die" he is a pk
-russians, polish, EU, english, spanish, mexicans, romanians, argentinians,aliens etc. all are pks
-if someone gives you a weapon for free... be careful he could bwe a pk (exept Driver)
-if someone habve posibilities to kill you he will do it
-in safe cityes never let people get close to you, there are terrorist or thiefs
-never barter with anyone you dont know
-if you find a high lvl unarmored man, dont get close he is jet li and will kill you
there are more, but with this is enough