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Author Topic: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit  (Read 14422 times)


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The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« on: February 09, 2011, 10:50:38 pm »

They are green. Heavy. Slow.
When one of them shows up on the battlefield, you all tremble - and it's okay if you left your friends alone.
Today, the New California Republic has to fight more than one of them. If you managed to survive around Boneyard, you certainly did spot a few of them - from a safe distance. They are remnants of Master's army. They used to be between five and a dozen at once, but they recently gathered to gain more power and the ability to travel to the North, where it is said that gold nuggets are available in a so large quantity that they are used to stone people to death. A part of this newly formed army did reach the town of New Reno yesterday, scouting the place for the rest of the mutants.

Between their current location and the northern towns, there is only one obstacle. The growing New California Republic. It's a nice state, accepting mutants into its towns. But it's not the kind of Republic that is willing to see hundreds of heavily-armed mutants travelling across its part of wasteland.

The New California Republic has sent a special Rangers squad to eliminate the threat. They have planned to set up an ambush, and to attack the mutants upon their arrival. However, the elite rangers are not enough to fight the remnants of Master's army, and to complete their goal they need cannon fodder  proud warriors to help them - emissaries of NCR state have already been sent across the wasteland to look for mercenaries.
They want YOU to fight for them. For free. Because if the mutant army reaches Shady Sands, they will most likely not just sit in Bazaar to buy extra rockets. And after having burnt Shady Sands to ashes, what do you think they will do in Broken Hills? Redding? Reno? Gordon's Gas Station? Hell, they might even find your secret hideout and smash you to smithereens.


Be in Vault 15 at (probably*) 18:30 (6:30PM) GMT+1 tomorrow (thursday 10th of february).

Healing supplies, weapons, armors and ammunition (as well as Nuka Cola and cigarettes, and these only) will be furnished by Rangers. I told you they were cool !

Due to probable lags, mutants' army will be divided into a few waves.

Teamkilling as well as attacking Rangers will be punished by a lifetime ban. Our dear event helpers, Event Guard and Event Ranger, will be here to make sure everyone follows this rule. They are eager to kill'n'ban troubleshooters, you're warned.
Event will also be taken in video (too laggy to be posted on youtube though) to be able to spot possible troubleshooters after the event, and ban them. In other terms, griefers, you're doomed.

Expecting you to defend your country, mercenary!

*Event will be confirmed shortly before event time, both on forum and by in-game server message.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 10:58:34 pm by Izual »
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 11:08:09 pm »

Woa man...  This is heavy.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 11:09:03 pm »

So, will any Children of the Cathedral be participating in the aid of the Mutants?
Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 11:09:24 pm »

BigDickCav is here.


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Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 11:09:49 pm »

So, will any Children of the Cathedral be participating in the aid of the Mutants?

They all died hundred(s) of years ago! You metabeliever...
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 11:10:42 pm »

Will we get a NCR rangers armor?


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Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2011, 11:11:07 pm »

I will be there do my part for shady sands. Looks very very fun, really looking forward to it:)


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Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2011, 11:12:52 pm »

(as well as Nuka Cola and cigarettes, and these only)

Tsssk, still so much hate for drugs.

Well, another great NCR defense event, hope it will be as good but with less peoples than the one vs anklav ;p
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 11:15:03 pm »

coll :D
i will go kill ones greeners


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Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2011, 11:15:54 pm »

Tsssk, still so much hate for drugs.
I do personnaly hate the concept of drugs but I'm not opposed in giving out any - I just give out those that don't create addictions, to avoid making problems. Maybe in future there will be a NPC that gives you healing/drugs you need, just like outfitter.

Well, another great NCR defense event, hope it will be as good but with less peoples than the one vs anklav ;p
Server hoster changed since this one ;p Also it's defense, yes, but not as "deep" as NCR defense event was. This will be, as we say in french, a bataille rangée and that's all. :P

Will we get a NCR rangers armor?
Leave the beta and don't come back.
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2011, 11:16:18 pm »

i will see if i can go :)
Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2011, 11:18:20 pm »

Sounds like a good event, I will be there


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Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2011, 11:23:19 pm »

Sounds very promising. Will most likely take part in this.
“And we passed through the cavern of rats.

And we passed through the path of streaming flamethrowers.

And we passed through the faction of the blind.

And we passed through the slough of swarm.

And we passed through the vale of tears.

And we came, finally, to the ice caverns.


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Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2011, 11:23:40 pm »

My recon on the CoC church bring the important info for the Brotherhood of Steel. Now it's time to deal with 'em.
Brother Saltwater ready to aid Rangers and  reporting for duty, sir!
Re: The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2011, 11:24:06 pm »

ghey 1:00 am for meeee :C cant go
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