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what do you consider as the greatest exploit of this era?

NPC stealing
- 16 (19.8%)
Bank interrest
- 22 (27.2%)
Loading glitch
- 19 (23.5%)
Cooldown bypass
- 8 (9.9%)
Mutant artillery
- 16 (19.8%)

Total Members Voted: 80

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Author Topic: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)  (Read 7854 times)

[feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« on: February 08, 2011, 10:24:19 am »

Inspired by recent discussion about exploits, bug abusing, etc... I am trying to summarize current state of most troublesome exploits. I thonk most of the comunity will be glad to hear from devs if or how they will be solved. Feel free to add your own exploits but please keep your suggested solutions in different and more appropriate threads.

- NPC stealing. It was easy to steal huge ammounts of ammo and stuff from encounters in relatively short time compared to crafting (About 10k 5mm AP + 150 Explosive rockets in 30 mins). Especially BOS patrols. Now if you join BOS for mere 120 AP ammo you can very well continue in this practice.
- Bank interrest. In combination with NPC stealing which allowed you to hoard ammo and then sell it it became the source of very high or even ulimmited ammount of caps (from hundret thousandst to millions a day).
- Loading glitch. It allowed camping areas much easier with unlimmited money and easy obtainable mercs.
- Cooldown bypass. With public free proxies and free VPNs already well known to comunity everybody can fastrelog/duallog without being detectable via same IP.
- Mutant artillery. Muties are able to jump in fire swarm of rockets instantly and leave combat immediately without much consequence. It make every exit grid in TC death trap without ability to defend or retaliate effectively.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 10:26:34 am »

Feel free to add your own exploits
Sounds funny for me :)


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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 11:48:35 am »

greatest exploit ? - PROXY
and what is wrong with bank intrest? we have this feature form 1,5 year! ;)


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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 11:59:41 am »

and what is wrong with bank intrest? we have this feature from 1,5 year! ;)
Yes, but it doesn't work by some wipes/updates (bank interest was 0%)


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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 12:16:21 pm »

npc stealing is worse bug from my opinion.

bank intersts are working as intended.
mutants spawning on grids cause fear only to loners and non organised groups.
loading glitch is not so hard to evade, again only for organised gangs(loners will can't do shot anyways coz it's a gang related mod).
CD bypass - khmm no comments :P.



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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2011, 01:03:53 pm »

loading glitch is not so hard to evade, again only for organised gangs(loners will can't do shot anyways coz it's a gang related mod).

Bleh, suggestion for this: before entering press preview to load map, it help me with loading (because first map have to be downloaded to your cache, and has to be loaded to your RAM as I think..) from 6-10 secounds of waiting to 2-4
And also loading glitch hurt most this players, which has low PC (like me unfortunately :P)


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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2011, 02:09:20 pm »

GM's are the biggest exploit of Fonline... just joking, well to me only "Cooldown bypass" is not OK. Other so called "exploits" should be nerfed a bit and could work just fine.

Blubber we miss You!!!
Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2011, 11:16:29 pm »

A: The bank interest thing is a feature that was either meant to just be tested this session, or was poorly thought out.

B: The instant firing merc AI caused the screen freezing + death glitch. which i've said could be fixed with a simple delay like encounters have.

C: The stealing from NPC's isn't so much a bug, as a lack of protection against it, meaning its legal, but very cheap none the less.

D: The duel logging/fast logging has been around for longer than alot of players. you can only make it harder, but you cant really get rid of it without the players agreeing to stop. unless you use a serial key to count each game client. and can limit it to one key per person.

Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 08:31:10 am »

Bank interest was fine until folks who gained from tc glitch and other big gangs decided to abuse it and fuck it upfor everyone else.

Pretty much Fonline folks being Fonline folks.


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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2011, 08:34:49 am »

proxys(relog coldown bypass) is the worst exploit


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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2011, 09:37:41 am »

Definitely it's npc stealing for me. It puts rockets(and other ammo) in almost the same position as plasma nades few era's back... Why craft them, if you can farm them much more faster in much larger amounts with not much of a risk involved.
(And I still think that, if this kind of stealing was impossible, no cooldown bypass, and the mercs were bought naked, and there was no BOS vs. Unity encouter this era, then we wouldn't face the mutant swarm or rocket spam so often)
Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2011, 04:52:41 pm »

funny thing about Bos vs Mutants encounter. If the mutants win, they don't let you loot anything. If BoS wins, they let you loot what ever they dont loot. Possible fix is to make BoS act like mutants after winning.


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Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2011, 05:01:59 pm »

That loading thing for sure!
One guy got 5 mutant mercs and encounter bugged and when i login again i was killed already.
Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2011, 05:13:56 pm »

funny thing about Bos vs Mutants encounter. If the mutants win, they don't let you loot anything. If BoS wins, they let you loot what ever they dont loot.
Not true, you can loot if mutants win, you just have to wait until mutants loot everything that's theirs. It can take some time because they are slow. At the end you can loot all the stuff that's left, just like the BoS won.
Re: [feature] Greatest exploits of this era (high)
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2011, 01:52:29 am »

C: The stealing from NPC's isn't so much a bug, as a lack of protection against it, meaning its legal, but very cheap none the less.

I think npc stealing should be limited to towns to prevent the farming.
Most interesting npc to steal from in towns are the guards which are actually unstealable.

Biggest exploit of this era is definitely the stealing from BoS.
At some point there were over 100k 5mm AP bullets on Jacob in the Hub.
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