how the hell did you summarize 2 paragraphs and 3 sentences into one and regurgitate it into a even bigger load of bullshit?
This guy failed the reading/comprehension portion of high school.
Hey man, you ain't gonna get 91% chance with this build.The critical chance formula is (60+4*luck)/100*AimBonus+BaseCriticalChance.Aim bonus - 60% for eyes; Base Critical Chance - 6%(6 luck) + 10%(finesse) + 15%(3x MC) = 31%So, let's calculate.(60+4*6)/100*60%+31% = 0,84*60%+31% = 50,4%+31% = 81,4%Just getting some things straightened out. For the other parts... Others already said it all.
My character build is completely sound, its not a Druggie PVPer.