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Author Topic: Scavenging instead of crafting.  (Read 8263 times)


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Scavenging instead of crafting.
« on: February 08, 2011, 03:39:04 am »

One of the things that have bothered me with FOnline is the mining for ores to craft stuff. It is so very un-fallouty.

Take metal armor for example, it is supposed to be scavenged metalparts (from cars maybe?), not some ore someone went and mined. Instead of hq ore, why not just use metalplates instead (randomly found in encounters with old cars?).

The amount of bullets in FOnline is kind of ridiculous. Mad Max hardly had any bullets at all. But then again, he was not in California.
In Fallout 1, bullets were made in Adytum by the local chemist. He took old shells and filled them with gunpowder. Then Adytum would sell the bullets to HUB and Junktown. Thinking maybe after each fight the victor collects the spent shells so they can be refilled somewhere.
Also in Fallout 1, if you were a member of BOS, when you did a mission for them they would let you take ammo, a weapon or an armor for their quartermaster. This could be expanded upon to include NCR, VC and others.
Only issue I see is lack of bullets for big gunners. They go trough 500-1000 per TC. But they big and tough guys. They can go farm their bullets from BOS and SF patrols.

How many of you made a gun in the original Fallouts? None did. Crafting weapons is not fallouty.
Farming and buying weapons is very fallouty. But I would like to add a twist to the repair system. Farm a few weapons. They will have a high det. percentage. Instead of using repair to fix a weapon using air, why not cannibalize a gun of the same type to fix the gun 20%?

What do you guys think? Im hate mining, its more fun to farm and scavenge.
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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 03:59:59 am »

I would like gather , from npcs called miners? (also the scavengers)


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 05:37:23 am »

I agree, scavenging should be more useful. I once made a suggestion about scavenging in urban areas ->

What if ammo was scarce, uncraftable, and obtainable only from NPCs like quartermasters from a faction, or the chemist in Adytum, or something similar, and with a cooldown (just like when you buy holodisks from the Followers)? just imagine factions doing TC with, say, Small Guns and Melee builds. They would shoot and switch to knives, spears, whatever, when they run out of ammo. And only one or two drug based powerbuilds.

However, I don't think the idea of crafting is bad, especially basic crafting. I think it is fallouty if you scavenge certain kinds of items and then create something out of it: ropes, radios, spears... but we would need to make basic crafting more useful for our suvival, even at higher levels and for bigger factions, somehow.

And about this:
Farming and buying weapons is very fallouty
I think it would be cool if NPC run shops never sold high tier items, and if we needed to obtain them from NPC factions. And I disagree with you about farming, because I can't imagine a postnuclear wasteland overcrowded with caravans, wandering scouts, etc. Farming should be limited, maybe with longer cooldowns (I understand there is a cooldown for each kind of encounter, or something like that), and/or more severe consequenses to certain levels of reputation.

EDIT: oh and forgot about this

Instead of using repair to fix a weapon using air, why not cannibalize a gun of the same type to fix the gun 20%?

Yeah it would be interesting.

I think this kind of modifications would have a positive effect as you won't be able to just flash an Avenger and rape a lvl 1 bluesuit with it. Because the weapon would be hard to get, its detererioration would be something to worry about at least a bit more, and the ammo it needs should be saved to be used against a more dangerouns enemy. That would be Fallout, in my humble opinion.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 05:42:43 am by Eternauta »
Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 07:10:48 am »

Make the professions scavenger buffs- you can repair and modify loot from ruins/etc. based on your prof level and repair/science.

And Luck.

Otherwise I like the direction of this thread.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 08:19:15 am »

How many of you made a gun in the original Fallouts? None did. Crafting weapons is not fallouty.

How many people made armor in Fallout?
Or drugs?
Nobody did.

This is Fallout, but not as we know it.
Everything must change.


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2011, 08:27:04 am »

How many people made armor in Fallout?
Or drugs?
Nobody did.

This is Fallout, but not as we know it.

Modoc had a tannery for leather armor crafting. The gunrunners are crafting armors and ammo/guns. There were several doctors over the whole wasteland making drugs. Myron made drugs.
Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2011, 08:28:42 am »

Modoc had a tannery for leather armor crafting. The gunrunners are crafting armors and ammo/guns. There were several doctors over the whole wasteland making drugs. Myron made drugs.

I meant players.
Everything must change.


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2011, 08:33:53 am »

I meant players.

And? Doesn't change the fact that it makes sense in the fallout universe. Not having the fixboy/crafting for the players in the original games is a design decision, not a question of logic or consistency.
Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2011, 08:45:00 am »

I'm saying that this is not Fallout.

My opinion, crafting is fine the way it is.
Everything must change.
Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2011, 08:49:17 am »

What if ammo was scarce, uncraftable, and obtainable only from NPCs like quartermasters from a faction, or the chemist in Adytum, or something similar, and with a cooldown (just like when you buy holodisks from the Followers)? just imagine factions doing TC with, say, Small Guns and Melee builds. They would shoot and switch to knives, spears, whatever, when they run out of ammo. And only one or two drug based powerbuilds.

Oh no, no this shit again :(
Firstly, guns and ammo were so easy to get that assassinations using Avenger and bluesuit were common, as well as minigun carpets in bases/tents. Everyone had a shitload of ammo because if he wanted some, he just went kill some BH / SF caravan and had it. So, people posted on NMA "ammo should be scarce! weapons should be scarce! c'mon, stop that shit!".

So, ammo and minigun farming has ended, complicated crafting system was done, individual players had problems with everything, and factions just grinded/farmed/botted/alted/proxied/fastrelogged their way through it so they used the best stuff available anyway. Gathering cooldowns, crafting cooldowns, oh you know it.

Now, the same shit again: ammo should be scarce, weapons should be scarce.

You people need to understand one thing: UNLESS you leave only spears and rocks in this game, highly organised factions (because there is a difference between LARGE faction and a HIGHLY ORGANISED faction, there are/were plenty of large factions which mean nothing) will always come and kill/protect you with the best stuff available and you will be likely screwed up by your own ideas. I know that you are a great mad max wannabe and want to ride around with a jacket shotgun and pretend to be powerful but well to be honest, that will just won't work.

And yeah, cooldowns for buying sound sooo cool.

However, I agree with one thing: crafting in a magical workbench, where you can transform some rocks into an advanced equipment, is just purely dumb.


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2011, 11:38:16 am »

Mines can work as they are now, but only in BH and Redding. There where no other mines in fallout.
One should get metal parts and good metal parts from broken cars and recycled guns.
Making ammo hard to get would be the best unarmed/melee boost ever. One would think twice using a minigun loaded with ap ammo against a rat.

But I have no idea how it should work. There are people willing to craft, collect, farm for a day or two just to be kickass PK for 20minutes.
Making ammo hard to get is making it hard to get for lone wolfs and only a bit harder to get for swarm-alt-gangs.
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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2011, 11:43:53 am »

Scavenging instead of crafting
nothing new, in one sentence - that should looks crafting on fallout universe


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2011, 11:59:52 am »

I've also thought how come we mine and chop wood like some WoW players instead of scavenging like survivors. Mines are most likely here to stay, but it'd be cool to have at least an option to scavenge. Searching for junk is a good start but it's a bit boring.

What comes to ammo and gun scarcity, it surely aint gonna work because of what Kilgore said. In addition Fallout is a violent world and guns and ammo are plenty around. The war ended 200 years ago and weapons manufacturing facilities must have been set up by various factions. Besides, guns can be crafted in rather primitive conditions which is proven by inmates making firearms in prisons and illegal pakistani gunsmiths making guns and ammo in mud huts with simple tools.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2011, 01:12:42 pm »

I agree with author.

Crafting system is OK, but mining should be replaced be scavenging the right parts, and disassembling loot.

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2011, 01:27:04 pm »

However, I agree with one thing: crafting in a magical workbench, where you can transform some rocks into an advanced equipment, is just purely dumb.

I agree with pretty much everything Kilgore said.

Regarding what I've quoted, workbenches will be capable of crafting only Tier 0+1 items, with more advanced facilities being required for the fancier stuff (Domination, unguarded areas, able to earn access via NPC factions).

I expect the limits on where you can craft the good stuff will slow down the flood of top end gear a little too - this is why I've gradually been squeezing the top tier weapons down and boosting the lower grade stuff up.

It should allow tighter controls on the top end stuff (so gangs aren't swimming in loads of the best stuff) but being able to relax how easy it is to craft the worse stuff - without meaning that people with top end gear will stomp all over the people with the lower stuff because the comparitive strength is much closer than it was.
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