Other > Closed suggestions

Crafting time - bad things

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--- Quote from: Lena on December 29, 2009, 12:08:00 pm ---Gunpowder, Wait 1 minute, wait 1 minute, Wait 1 minute, 3 times more, add metal parts, craft.

--- End quote ---

Hm, that was changed yeterday. Mid-resources are not subject of waiting.

--- Quote ---What does it add to the game, apart from making players wait? Constructive comment from the guys in charge appreciated.

--- End quote ---

Well, what it adds is the compensation for shortened gathering timeouts - the goal was to retain whole crafting process time (gathering + crafting times), while making gathering a bit faster. Of course we've introduced few bugs and mistakes on the way there (like issue with mid-resource timeouts), so whole process ended up longer, but goal wasn't to make it so.

Other items that have their whole craft process longer now might be victims of some bugs/mistakes. I do not have the exact calculations for it by myself, but at least I assure you making everything slower wasn't the goal.

"Hm, that was changed yeterday. Mid-resources are not subject of waiting."

Yes they are :D 1 minute actually.

lord luba:
Yeah, thats a bit better now.
But I've noticed when I have CD on science (from making gunpowder) I can't craft ammo/guns and when I have CD on crafting I can make gunpowder etc, strange...

How about removing all time limits to crafting and applying another method of controlling this feature?
My idea is to introduce Crafting Points -  a number telling current crafting capability of a character. To craft an item, you will have to spend some of your Crafting Points. Naturally, some things will be more demanding than others, just like now there are different cooldowns to different items. Additionally, Crafting Points will slowly regenerate over time, possibly at rate dependant of your character's skills.
That way you can make an advanced weapon and not be useless for the rest of the day. You will still be able to craft simpler things shortly after. You will have to wait more for more complicated items, however.

lord luba:
Have an Idea too, but I'm not sure how to do it.
Something like "During crafting you learn how to craft it better and faster"
Well the cooldown on all items would be high (eg like now) but when you craft that gun (item, whatever) over and over the cooldown will be shorter and shorter. First time it'll go down faster and after some time (clicking) it'll go down slower.
There will have to be some kind of statusbar in each item info shoving you your progress on that item crafting.
An example of lowering cooldown:
100-90% ... go down by 1% / 10 attempts
90-80% ... by 0.5% / 20 att.
80-70% ... by 0.25% / 40 att.
70-50% ... by 0.1% / 200 att.
something like that... it can go to 50% of original cooldown or lower... 8)


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