Other > Closed suggestions

Crafting time - bad things

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this game was good before the wipe, all they had to do was remove ammo an guns from caravans and add the new crafting system, i would add more stuff like "a piece of machinery or sth" to craft better guns and armors, to buy them u'd need  control over a town, many traders and crafters, it would make people defend the town, crafters and traders

The reason I started playing a naked hth character was because of how boring fonline had become due to crafting. It's way too time intensive for easily lost rewards. Everyone who pvps walks around in the best gear anyways, they can afford to because they have faction resources to replace lost gear. The people who get screwed are solo or small faction players. Your options are either play real time and risk dying from lag or bad luck losing hours worth of gear, or play turnbased and be able to clear out like 1 cave an hour. The game has become way too crafting centric and has lost track of what made fallout fun, the combat and quest interactions. Maybe you could make recipes involve items you could only get from supermutants or hubologists and put the encounter rates back up. That would mean people would have to work in groups to hunt bigger prey and there would be a reason for doing so.

I agree with the above posters. Thngs are too weighed in favour of the huge factions. They get it all, with no drawbacks. I vote all faction bases are made visible in the name of keeping the game interesting. If you want to your own private bank vault, you're going to have to defend it.

Or just place so many slaves at the entrance that attackers lag out, whatever works.

Nothing should be discoverable until the slaves/merc issue is resolved. Not everyone with a faction base has the means to defend it and you can't be logged in 24/7. This would actually benefit large factions as they could wipe out all the smaller ones and still have enough people back at their own base to keep it safe.


--- Quote from: Lexx on December 27, 2009, 11:54:12 am ---The time for crafting items is the same as before.
--- End quote ---

rly ?? 28 min cooldown on making 5 mm ap ammo is as it was ?


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