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Author Topic: Request* Perm Ban for Repeat offenders  (Read 3552 times)

Re: Request* Perm Ban for Repeat offenders
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2011, 04:40:07 am »

i think big gangs that pk in encounter or in ncr noob or etc. reminds me about quentin dupieux *steak* movie. and this gang in red... (be like all, its fun, its cool)  they *cool*, and most of people wannah be like them, make town control, kill all, make fast relog, and other cheats, to be like *best killar 1 shot big gunner*.
and i speak with some players, they never play magic fallout 1 and 2. maybe they play tactics or *kill all* MODs FO3. lot of them dont understand *ideology* of fallout. 2 part is russian players(try teach russian and play at any russian server in any corean mmorpg ((lineage or warcraft)) - 90% trolling and killing noobs for fun)
then thay find fonline and see TC. sorry if i m wrong, but half of players only making loot and killing, just another game for kill all and be god of pvp...

Let the Force be with You.
Re: Request* Perm Ban for Repeat offenders
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2011, 03:29:37 pm »

I am terribly sorry that you have never been human, or that European Union removed feeling of being human from most of the people, i.e. YOU. Anyway, we're postapo lovers, so we do not care bout that soon-to-be-dead culture.

Finding as many ways of earning benefits as possible (so called cheating) is part of being human, sorry dude, its true :)
May the fittest survive.

So it's OK to permaban them on sight on the first time they do something against rules. Because it's human to use authority on people who don't respect the rules.
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