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Author Topic: Not all Russians are brainless PKs  (Read 2486 times)


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Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« on: February 06, 2011, 03:22:48 pm »

1. I don't remember any of these guys names, but they all were talking Russian and their English was pretty poor.
2. All of these encounters were in Turn Based.

Enocunter 1
*Do you wish to encounter: NCR Caravan, Rangers, Marauders, Brahmin?*
Me: Yes
*NCR shoot at marauders*
*A random russian with 220 hp and an M60 joins the encounter*
Russian1: Hi
Me: Oh god, you are gonna kill me right?
Russian: :)
*I retreat a few hexes and try to get cover near NCR*
*Russian2 joins the encounter*
Russian1: *in russian* Stop, don't shoot him.
Me: Leave me alone guys, I don't have anything, I just died.
Russian1: Wait.
*Russian 2 shoots me 2 times, I have 3 hp left*
Russian1: *In russian* Stop, I wanna help him.
Russian1: You need gun?
Me: Yeah, would be good...
*Russian1 does 2 bursts with his M60 towards the NCR rangers and the caravan*
*Russian2 helps a bit Russian1*
*NCR dies*
Russian1: You take all staff.
Me: Thanks!
*Russian1 and Russian2 randomly talk about something in russian*
Russian1: I from Rus gang
Russian1: I PK
Me: :O
*We all leave the encounter*
In that encounter I got stuff that was worth about 4k, I didn't even sell the ammo I got (which was pretty much like 70 shotgun shells and flamer stuff etc.)

Encounter 2
Note: It's quite good to know some phrases in Russian, because then you can escape, because they will think you are one of them. I was here with 1 of my friend so it was easier, because he knows Russian better.
*Do you wish to encounter: Molerats, pigrats, Giant rats?
Me: Yes.
*I kill some molerats and pigrats*
*Random russian joins the encounter*
Me: Privet *in english it means "Hi"*
Russian: Нужна помощь? *English: Need help?*
Me: Het, ne nada. *English: No, don't need*
Russian: Ok, тогда я пойду *English: Ok, I will go then.*
*Random russian leaves the encounter*
Me: Phew, that was close!
My friend: Yeah, I thought we are dead for sure because of your bad Russian.
That's right, all you gotta do, is talk in Russian with them. If a Russian joins the encounter, don't forget to greet him with a "Privet" (Привет).

There also is Encounter 3, 4 and 5, but those were basically because they didn't have time to deal with me, probably were going to a TC, and I used my bad Russian again. Remember kids, if you see a Russian, don't panic, greet him!
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2011, 04:23:32 pm »

Well, even my allies killed me without any reason. Not all russian so bad. Bad motsly are. Me and my friends helpe some peoples. SOme few days after that man, whos we helped, killed our friend just for nothing. Here a some reason to think, whos you help.


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Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2011, 05:29:26 pm »

SHit Happens, but somethimes golden shit happens
Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2011, 07:18:39 am »

Brainless pk's? It's a video game, pking doesn't make you brainless. But to think at one time that all russians are "brainless PKs" makes you a very narrow minded guy and that is really more close to brainless than beeging a pk...
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do!

« Kill the men, rape the women, eat the children! »  Section 8 official motto

Doctor Eex

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Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2011, 07:21:01 am »

Don't care much of nations, we all wastelanders here  ;)
And 90%  (I think) are PK. Rest In Peace, namecolorizing.


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Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2011, 07:29:35 am »

Sad, that some stupid noisy nationalistic schoolkids who mistakes 2238 with Counter Strike 2D making a bad picture of all wastelanders from Russia. I hope someday this picture will change.
Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2011, 08:09:07 am »

Incredible! I always thought that all Russians are barbarians


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Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2011, 08:12:43 am »

... and Poles hunt bears and live in caves.
Don't they?
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2011, 09:12:28 am »

SQ are brainless pk. Only Wichura can order us.

Abaddon Raptus

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Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2011, 09:21:42 am »

lol lol lol
Sometimes i help some bluesuit or smbody weak, but most people on encs shout smth like "Kurwa nation","Russian shit". Why i like kill that scum? heh
P.S. If i see that smbody is russian i shoot first, coz rus(im rus too) are dangerous in wasteland)))))
Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2011, 10:37:05 am »

I dont think that russians are mindles PKs neither. I consider them only as higly dangerous hostile NPCs. xD
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2011, 11:01:33 am »

Brainless pk's? It's a video game, pking doesn't make you brainless. But to think at one time that all russians are "brainless PKs" makes you a very narrow minded guy and that is really more close to brainless than beeging a pk...

But if you find a fun in pissing off real people by killing their low level characters you are brainless. Krakilla's sentence it's ideal exactly what i said about. I didn't find yet any advanced level Russian who is not pk.

Doctor Eex

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Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2011, 11:17:01 am »

Because PK is last stage of any player's evolution on 2238.
Killing even low level bluesuits makes those bluesuits stronger. (Btw, most of low level bluesuits are somebody's alts)
So, become PK or suffer from being PK'ed.

Russians play  smarter and more experienced then others and that's it. Remember Fonline origins, btw.


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Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2011, 11:17:51 am »

Germans are even better, offer a beer and they wont harm you :D
Re: Not all Russians are brainless PKs
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2011, 11:24:17 am »

Because PK is last stage of any player's evolution on 2238.
Killing even low level bluesuits makes those bluesuits stronger. (Btw, most of low level bluesuits are somebody's alts)
So, become PK or suffer from being PK'ed.

Russians play  smarter and more experienced then others and that's it. Remember Fonline origins, btw.

What do you mean? If we kill bluesuits then his hp or damage resistance will be highter? That's a news. Usualy he just lost his stuff. If bluesuit is someone altit will not be a great problem for him. But if it's completely new player it will just pissed him off. I am not saint. I am on Crazy 88 black list. but usualy i don't kill bluesuits or low level players.
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