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Author Topic: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!  (Read 9962 times)


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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2011, 04:02:48 pm »

Disabling mutant seller now u disable chance of gangs whos dnt bought them yet. But some gangs whos bought them got benefit against others.

So what, mutants don't respawn. As long as the seller is disabled gangs will be very careful with using them in battles.
Players tend to hoard goods which can't be replaced easily.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 04:05:12 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2011, 04:16:19 pm »

I do not like it, and even more, i do not like the direction of this flame... Muties are problems of this era, like drag-builds an wipe ago and so on.

Disabling merc is, imo, bad idea. I have played as a merc/slaver almost all the time [even in times when leaving encounter was meaning the same as losing some merc] and they usually sux in pvp becouse players got more hp, better gear and  this little funny think that is called... stimpack?

There are some people that see cha build only as an alt [taxi] becouse they love to toy with their big guns, ba and shit know what else. But wait a sec... What if we disable crafting? JAJ! no overpower dude gear! Blue suits for all!

Nope fellow users, the problem arent merc themself, it just a metter to find a method to balance them. Lower skills? why not, it would bring muuuuuuuch more work for pk-leader to make them usefull. Other way is just to lover their ap or making able to attack only players that are seen by merc leader [saw merc leader with 240 hp, 5 muties so rest of his special werent so... heroic?].

Making merc cost 1 slot, 2 slots, 3 slots etc is just a way to say "hello system i need some bugs in game". How? Some error and you can get your mutant for 1 slot or junktown dog for... 4 slots?

And why isn't anyone thinking about quests to recive merc? Do something for marcus and you can get your ugly rocket fucker insted of paying 40k... Merc cant be passed like slaves so if you put them like 1 quest/week that should be a little more balanced? Btw what would do 5 mutant squad if they havent got rockets? Think, think.. Remove encounters like BoS, unity patrols, remainds of master army and what? there is no more ammo for our altilery squad! I can hear you screaming "oh noooo! bg would be hitted nooo! thats a stupid idea!". No pain no gain bastards...

People are frustrated becouse of their mighty builds that are supossed to "rock'n'roll" but insted are smashed by a mutant merc leader. However, their cost much, the loss means -120k just like that. just like that, just lag, just get pked, just respawm in wrong points, just go near navarro adn lost ur merc in bugged map... You think that it is easy to obtain such army adn keep them healthy? Try!

Dont like merc army? cut their ammo, lower their sequence, perception, make them obtainable due quests but for fucking sake do not remove them from the game just becouse some trolls cant think about other way to solve this problem than deleting them.*

*sorry for my english, it was some time since i was writting.
Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2011, 04:35:11 pm »

So what, mutants don't respawn. As long as the seller is disabled gangs will be very careful with using them in battles.
Players tend to hoard goods which can't be replaced easily.

or just they will start buying human bg mercs

Abaddon Raptus

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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2011, 04:51:05 pm »

Return old drugs
And mercs will sux
xD xD
Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2011, 05:24:03 pm »

Yes, I got your idea, but mercs are gun meat anyway. They are so EASY to lose. They will not worth efforts.

Sound very reasonable. More HP - less total team gunpower.

If most people believe they are not worth the effort then there will be no more abusing them like now, thus problem fixed, disabling all mercs is a terrible idea for those that actually enjoy being a merc leader and don't just use it as an alt for TC


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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2011, 06:46:07 pm »

Most of our members agree with disabeling mecenaries, same thing happends to us too, we are always entering in merc traps losing gear. It really spoils the fun of the game.

And Surf, please unlock our faction thread, it's not our fault that people are trolling on our thread. Don't punish us for others, ban the flamers do not close our thread.

And the kid that rages and is insulting everybody is not actually right, this is not about the mutants, it doesn't matter what kind of mercs the players are using, due to the bug the computer freezes, so disable all mercs.

this is not about mutants is for those (insert blasfemy here) players that dont know how to play,
also, the guys in junktown mine was saying something about "viva section8" or "this is green justice from section8" (because his CA), are you pks or what?

lemark"Yeah great idea! Maybe you can push this more, sg mercenarie take  2 charisma, bg take 3, mutant 4 etc.. Mutant are not the only merc problem, 5 bitch with rocket luncher is to powerfull to, same for laser rifle etc..."

for god sake they are WHORES not bitches, Whores funny loaded with 14mm and like 220HP and jimmyhats :)

"So, you believe all mercs should be disabled due to the trolling of a few? By that logic your thread should indeed be closed "

no because its not a problem of some guys, everyone in power to buy muties are doing this, in TC, PK, even in little comertial factions, even me, so.

surf solar"I already disabled the mutants seller but this is obviously just a temporary solution."

god bless you, its obiously a temporaly solution and iy becomes with some problems, but its nice

And about Avoral, is temporaly soution, mercs need to be implemented
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 06:48:36 pm by Reiniat »
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2011, 08:37:09 pm »

We will already have tougher control on caps next time, but interest obviously needs to go also. It will stop mercs being so "cheap" that they can be thrown away without any thought.

I imagine mutants will take up more Ch points too, but I'm not sure about this as mercs aren't my thing.

I'd also like to see the delay on being able to attack people return, if for no other reason than to cover the loading time.

Mercs won't be "cheap", if they were not meant to be used as meat shields.  Again other folks have brought up much better methods to fix the merc problem then resorting to a lazy interest nerf.  Its pretty clear the real problem has been tc bug and spawn camping and rich gangs abusing the interest system with a very fucked up tc cap reward system.

If you eliminate interest then you eliminate yet another way for folks to earn caps peacefully and officially encourage more counterstrike trigger happy folks.  Why spend 5 hours to make and sell ONE BA when folks can form bluesuit cripple teams with BB guns or just grid camp T-Rays/Junkyard or base sellers and make a hell of alot more.


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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2011, 08:53:48 pm »

Mercs won't be "cheap", if they were not meant to be used as meat shields.  Again other folks have brought up much better methods to fix the merc problem then resorting to a lazy interest nerf.  Its pretty clear the real problem has been tc bug and spawn camping and rich gangs abusing the interest system with a very fucked up tc cap reward system.

It's surely a problem. It's surely not the real one. The real ones are the instant merc reaction, and the ability to get out while in combat.
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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2011, 09:53:44 pm »

resorting to a lazy interest nerf.

Its not lazy, nor is it just to fix mercs. Ideally you would want slow inflation, not the exact opposite
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2011, 10:24:28 pm »

Its not lazy, nor is it just to fix mercs. Ideally you would want slow inflation, not the exact opposite

You have to have an actual economy in order to worry about inflation. 

Plus it doesn't change how its the ALREADY MASSIVELY RICH gangs who are the real folks fucking shit up by abusing bank interest.  Disposable mercs happened because of a glitch.  Keep in mind interest only worksif folks DON'T USE the deposit but leaves it in the bank.


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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2011, 10:42:51 pm »

eliminate the interests of bank,
and make bases and mercs sell by other things, no caps.

and wipe the server, even if no actualization will come, is better wipe now and wipe when the actualization is done,
is better wipe in reason of game crysis than actualizations

also when you buy a merc, he is not a slave, so he need paid every week. put a amount of money based on time, maybe 10k at week for ghouls snipers, in example. and make mercenaries weaker, its shit that a player can have 250HPmax and mercs muties 400HP and also a instant time reaction
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies


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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2011, 11:58:37 pm »

You have to have an actual economy in order to worry about inflation. 

Plus it doesn't change how its the ALREADY MASSIVELY RICH gangs who are the real folks fucking shit up by abusing bank interest.  Disposable mercs happened because of a glitch.  Keep in mind interest only worksif folks DON'T USE the deposit but leaves it in the bank.

The game has an economy, its just an out of control one currently. No doubt we will have plenty of whinning again when it is brough back under control, but there you have it ;)

When caps are more scarce, the traders are sorted and there is no incentive to horde, a lot of problems shall disappear.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2011, 03:25:04 am »

When caps are more scarce, the traders are sorted and there is no incentive to horde, a lot of problems shall disappear.

WHAT!?!?! Hording will always exist in my opinion I could not imagine people not wanting to horde gear
Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2011, 08:18:41 am »

-deleting interest rates will hurt good gangs and the experienced players, but will kill any chance to make some good money for the weak/new players
-people that dont enter merc traps, either are using vehicles all the time or "rp" in guarded cities. my fellow members get murdered every day in merc traps because we are actually hunting. of course, we have no problem with dieing, we have a problem with it when it occurs due to a bug.
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do!

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Re: Disable mercenaries once for all!!!!
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2011, 08:25:14 am »

-deleting interest rates will hurt good gangs and the experienced players, but will kill any chance to make some good money for the weak/new players

It's way too easy to get caps, even without interest. I am quite the opposite of a "pro" experienced player, but even when I had my loner character I managed to get hundreds of thousand caps without too much of a hassle. It's not hard, you just have to be creative.
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